An Evening Of Chess At The Doll House! Also, Doll Plants DIY Ideas!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Happy Tuesday! I don’t know about your neck of the woods but in mine today is the last day of school! Hallelujah! We made it through another year. Looking forward what will hopefully be a laid back and restful Summer this year! I’ll pray you have the same!
There have been so many things I’ve wanted to tell you about in Doll House happenings that I am sort of doing a multiple purpose post here. Recently I discovered Be Chic Forever YouTube channel and she has so many clever ideas! I just adore her Doll House and her sense of style. It’s a bit different than my own, she is very ‘minimalist’ in her decorating scheme and I am more ‘hodgepodge collector’, but that’s half the fun of making a Doll House is that you get to decorate it to reflect your own tastes. 
One of the crafts she showed how to make was doll sized planters and vases and I absolutely adored the way hers looked! Having ‘plants’ in her doll house made it look so much more ‘real’ that I knew I’d have to give it a go and try and ‘make’ a few of my own! So… In the photos in this post, you’ll see what came of my attempts. 

Here is a vase of flowers I put together… The vase, naturally, was thrifted somewhere along the line… The picture of the bird and the two ducks are recent (like in the last week) thrifty finds! The picture of the duck is a OOAK Art Card! Isn’t it pretty? It was only 50cents with the frame included! The ducks were 25c each, not a bad deal for $1.00. I think the ducks look like they were made to go with the vase, don’t you? See that very faded photo of the girl in the heart frame? That was me when I was younger, on one of my first Military ID cards as a young Army wife. The other side has a photo of my husband from same place… Or maybe these were from when we were teens as AF Brats? I don’t recall for sure. But I’ve had that frame since I was like 19 and a newly wed. So, as you can see, I’ve always loved miniature things!

This Tea Set was also a thrity find. I thought it was kind of funny that it was ‘pre-priced’ $2 from whereever it was originally purchased and then Goodwill marked it $1.99. No matter to me though, I thought it was certainly worth $1.99… Cos goodness knows I need more doll dishes. Right? Teehee.
Here it is in the box in case you like it and want to try and search for one yourself.
I love that it says you can use it with food! How funny.

Now, if you take a look at the top of the beautiful glass front bookcase you’ll see a couple of ‘potted plants’. The planters are wooden napkin rings I got at the Thrift Store!! (see photo on this link) I simply glued a circle tags I already had on hand that were the correct circumference to the bottom of them so they’d hold plants. There was a small hole in the tag but it wasn’t like I was using any dirt. I used the leaves off of some flowers that I used to put in a vase for all three of them. The taller of the planters (on the clock) I simply glued two of the napkin rings together to make a taller one. I love how they came out and I have another batch of napkin rings I got at same time that I plan to make more ‘planters’ out of. How fun!

The adorable chess set that Josh and Frank are playing with? Also a thrifty find, it’s meant to be a travel sized game for ‘real people’ but it makes a perfect doll sized chess set! I love it!
Frann is pulling out a few extra cups now that Spectrum and Oliver have arrived! 

I am going to have to let the rest of the ‘story in photos’ tell the story because Blogger ate up all my writing time this morning by taking half an hour to upload this post… Bummer.

I made this bouquet and so of course Josh Doll had to present the very first doll bouquet I ever made to Heather Doll. Right?

“I better get these into some water!”

“Thanks Josh!” đź’“

I took a lot of these with a YouTube Video in mind… So once I get that to upload, I’ll come back and post a linky in case you want to see it!

These are kind of funny photos but I wanted to show you the flowers on top of the hutch and the pink flowers in the vase below… Another couple I put together. I can see this might get addictive, this flower and plant thing because they are so cute and pretty easy to put together. Coupled with my apparent talent at finding little vases and vessels, I think I’ll have more in the future. Haha.
Better run!

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