Dollar Tree Tea Set Design Change!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As many of you know, the Dollar Tree can be a great place to find things for 18inch Dolls. One of the best finds, I think, is the Tea Set they sell. It has four place settings and is perfect for the Doll House. I bought many sets to use in the Sweet Shoppe because, at $1.00 a set, I could afford to. I’ve also used the cups from the sets to make fancy coffee drinks for the dolls because, again, at less than a quarter each for the cups, I can afford to make several. So the other day I stopped in to the Dollar Tree for something else and, of course, checked out the toy section to see what they might have in. You can also find skate boards that are perfect for the dolls at this store. (You can see Josh and Vito doll riding them here in this post) They also have perfect guitars and so… You never know what they might come up with that is perfect for the dolls. When I walked into the toy aisle, I noticed they had a bunch of the tea sets… I was happy because I wanted to make some more fancy coffee drinks. So, I go to pick them up and….. Hold. The. Phone.
They totally changed the style of them!! The cups are larger, the tea pot is totally different and so are the spoons. The embelishments are all different too, more of a flowery design motif than the hearts that were the style of the older variety. I took a photo of the new sets in their blister packs (I bought six sets… Hahaha. For a reason though! I’ll will tell about that in a future post). The older style tea pot, cup, spoon and plate I laid on the middle of the new sets to let you compare. Which style do you like better? Let me know in comments! I guess I like them both for different reasons but think they are both neat. 
Better run!

5 thoughts on “Dollar Tree Tea Set Design Change!

  1. As always I enjoy your blog. I don't really know where to post this. I apologize in advance if this seems to be the wrong place to ask but I don't know how to reach you otherwise to ask would you please include my family and myself in your prayers? God knows the need. Thank you in advance either way for reading my post.


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