Even More Thrift Store Goodies For Doll House!

Hello Hello Hello Doll Friends!
When you know you can find amazing treasures for your Doll House just up the road at the local Thrift Store for less than the price of a fancy coffee, how do you keep from going as often as the opportunity presents itself? Serious question?!

Because I apparently can’t stop going to the thrift store here in town when I know it’s open… I very rarely walk out of there without at least one little thing for the Doll House and, more often than not, I walk out with a whole hand basket full. Teehee. I am not sure if I’ve ever mentioned it but part of the story of my life was that my mother always dreamt of owning a successful gift shop. This was back in the  1980s when ‘sticker collecting‘ was all the rage and she jumped in with both feet and opened a huge sticker and gift store. Sadly it didn’t take off for whatever reason and she ended up closing the shop up. After that, in order to get rid of some of the huge amount of inventory she owned, she had booths in Flea Markets. So, for many years, I would be at Flea Markets a lot. The reason I tell you all this is that I think that is likely one of the reason I am so good at finding things at thrift stores and garage sales. It was a skill honed in my childhood… Hahaha. It’s also my favorite way to shop. I can’t really stand buying much of anything ‘new’ and really don’t like ‘Malls’. Anyway, I am rambling. I guess my point is that one good way to get good at thrifting is practice practice practice. You get very good at finding the ‘diamond in the rough’ at even the dingiest dirtiest Garage Sales. 
These are my most recent finds…
The basket will be used as a ‘laundry basket’ in the Laundry Room and the little candle holders I am going to use to attempt to make some ‘soups’. I figured for a dime each I could experiment and if they don’t turn out I’ll just toss them.
I even featured the little pie in my most recent post about a dinner at the Doll House the very same day I brought it home because I thought it was so cute. I got both it and the ‘spaghetti’ for 5cents out of the ‘Five Cent Toy Bin’ they have there. 

I love love love this little tea cup!! I think it might even be my new favorite… Maybe. My favorite is pretty hard to beat because of it’s cute bird shaped handle… Right?

But this will definately be a cup I give to guests of honor at Doll Tea Parties in the future. 
This horse I found at the Goodwill the other day and I almost walked away from it but I liked that it has a lot of the bridles and a saddle. It was only $3.99 and so I actually brought it home That means I have four large horses now… That’s not too many right? Hahaha.
So when I saw this gorgeous brown horse later the same day and a pony too… I forced myself to walk away. As I look at this photo I have a twinge of ‘ouch’ because they are so gorgeous and I don’t have a dark brown horse… But it is probably best I left it there because these horses are not small at all and I only have so much storage! Right?

I laughed when I found another pony as twin to the first one. I put them in my cart to take a photo so I could show you. So hard to put them back on shelf! They were only $1.99 and 99cents! Ouch. Oh well… Notice the totally awesome ‘Letters’ Mailbox bank? I did buy that and for only 99cents!!! I love it! Can’t wait to put it in a doll scene where a dolly is mailing a letter. It’s a very heavy cast iron and I looked it up on eBay and realize I got an amazing deal on it. So, score!! I also got that set of red stacking cups. I have one set already and now I can use them both to set up Cup Stacking Contests at the Doll House! Fun!

I thought this Minnie Mouse kitchen would make a good kitchen for a Doll House if you didn’t have one….? Kind of ‘cartoony’ but a good size.

Nostalgia! I had the blonde one of these dolls when I was little!

I almost bought these tiki torches for the Doll House. They were honestly the perfect height and would’ve been so cute at my next Luau but I decided against it. Again… Storage!! 
This table and chairs are not doll sized but kid sized but I thought they were just so cute and sweet I snapped a photo anyway. I bet some Grandpa made these! 
I also ran by Dollar Tree and found these cute clip on graduation hats. I bought a set, I’ll come back and show you how they look when I get a chance to have a doll model them. 
I also saw these cute doll sized tapes and notebooks on clipboards. I am telling you, if you keep your eyes open, you see doll sized stuff everywhere!
Better run!
Have a great day!
PS I never seem to have enough time to write blogs and tend to plow ever forward without looking back all that much. Sadly when I do look back I sometimes notice typo’s in my writing and cringe big time. So, if you notice a typo in my writing I apologize. I need to edit better but it would mean even more delays on getting anything posted. If you happen to find one and want to point it out to me I’d totally appreciate it. Honest. I just noticed I wrote ‘Treatsures’ in a title of a blog the other day and felt like a total dork. So… If you see a really bad one, I’d love to hear about it so I can fix it . I know that when I am reading something and a blatant typo comes along or a misspell, I notice it and I want my writing to be top notch for you fine folks. So. Thanks in advance if you notice one and take time to tell me. 😊

4 thoughts on “Even More Thrift Store Goodies For Doll House!

  1. Heather if only you lived a bit closer. I'd love to go thrift shopping with you. We don't have very many nice thrift stores around here. They were very popular in the 1970's when I was growing up, and my Mom bought a lot of our clothes there. We used to have one a few blocks from our house and one summer I remember getting the cutest pink skirt with white polka dots for only 99 cents. I wore it out. I love seeing all the things you buy!


  2. I do not care about typo as I always do by mistake. Posting is not as bad as e-mailing. I usually noticed my typo the moment I put \”send\” button. Haha. Do you know how foolish I felt in those cases? Anyway, your lovely photos and writing make me excited and waitig for next ones. I feel as if I myself went shopping with you when you showed items in stores.


  3. Thanks Frann! I guess we all make typos. I know I feel silly when I see one I've made at work and when you type as much as I do, they happen more often than I'd like. Ah well, just proves we are human right? I am glad you feel like you've gone shopping with me cos I so often have you in mind when I am taking photo. Like \”Look Frann!! What a neat thing!\” Heeheehee. I am so glad we are friends. ❤ ❤ ❤


  4. I'd love to take you! I find it amazing the difference between one town and the next when it comes to thrift stores. I live 'close' to two larger cities here in Nebraska. One of them I don't even bother to go into the thrift stores because they are just dirty and dingy and overpriced. Then, the other town, has more thrift stores filled with neat things than I can keep up with. Only an hour away from one another, these two towns. So odd. I get most all my clothes from thrift shoppes too. When you get used to paying less than a $1 for each item, it's SO hard to want to buy 'new' clothes. I joke I could buy them and wear them once and throw them out and still come out ahead. One store here in town has a 'bag sale' about twice a year where you can fill an entire shopping bag with clothes for $5, then $3 later in the week as the pickings get slimmer. (it's how they clean out winter stuff in spring and spring stuff in winter). Rambling. But I'd love to take you along with me! Thrift shop hunting is so much fun!


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