Announcing Heartland Doll Tea Parties!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As I mentioned in my posting yesterday, I’ve been feeling like ‘too little butter spread over too much bread’ lately. It was for a myriad of reasons but one of them is that I’ve been working on a huge project in the Doll House. That’s right, I am making the Doll House mobile! I have just planned my first ‘event’ with the Doll House. I’ve long felt it was silly to have such an amazing Doll House but to never share it in any way with real live children. I wasn’t sure how to go about ever having any in because, lets get real, my Doll Room is much too small for a gaggle of girls to play in. So what to do? I finally decided on the idea of making a ‘mobile’ doll house and to hit the road with it but how? My first inception was to do Birthday Parties for girls but… I wasn’t sure how to make that happen? Then one of my very best friends and I were talking about her dream to change her Antique Store into a Tea Room and Antique Store. I said how neat it would be to make a Doll Tea Party because American Girl Doll Cafe’s are something girls love to go to but not everyone can make a trip there for it. So my idea was to make a similar experience here in the heartland of America… And Heartland Doll Tea Parties was born! 
Much like the AG Cafe, each doll will get her own special seat right next to her girl and Mom (Grandmom, Auntie, Friend) at the table. Each doll will get her own cup, plate and spoon to take home with her just like AG Cafe. Only, unlike the AG Cafe, where there is only shopping after the fun time eating, at Heartland Doll Tea Parties, there will be an actual Doll House to play with your doll in! See the description below from the Treasure Trove Syracuse Tea Time website.
Formal Tea Parties are an experience every little girl should have at least once. When you bring a long a Dolly Friend, it is even more fun. Come and have a cup of tea with the special little girl in your life and her doll and create memories she will tell her own daughter about one day.

Party includes:

  • Tea Sandwiches and petit fours served on beautifully set table of elegant tea plates
  • Chairs for Doll Guests so Dolly can enjoy tea with her special friends
  • Fun questions on each table to help create amazing conversations
  • Fancy Photo Booth available to capture the moment forever
  • A gift for each Doll to take home
  • A visit to Heartland Doll House! An hour of time to play in the Doll House with your doll
The Doll House includes:
  • Doll sized kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom and laundry room
  • A wardrobe of clothes for your doll to play dress up
  • Doll sized Sweet Shoppe and Vet Clinic
  • A stable of horses and ponies
  • A cast of 10-12 dolls, including boy dolls, to borrow as friends or siblings for your doll in Doll House
*Recommended age is girls between seven and twelve due to small parts and fragile items in Doll House.
Obviously the Doll House I am setting up for the Doll House visit will be a bit more ‘child friendly’ than my actual Doll House. There won’t be any breakable dishes and such. It will still be super fun. I am nearly done getting all the components together and will set up what the ‘Traveling’ Doll House soon and take photos so you’ll know exactly what it’ll be like. 

I am super excited about this new venture! There are three Tea’s scheduled in August.  If you’re close to Nebraska, I’d love to see you there! To book a time, visit here!

Better run!
Till Next Time!

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