Introducing Francis! My Most Recent Custom Doll

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Well… I’ve done it again. It’s not my fault!! Beautifully Custom had a sale on their doll wigs! Their doll wigs often cost upwards of $30-40 and they had some on sale for $17.00 shipped! 
I couldn’t help myself. I had to buy one. (It’s a good thing I have a budget or I might’ve bought three or four! Hahaha!) The one I chose was called “Cupcake”. Like the other Beautifully Custom doll wig I have, it was even more beautiful in person than it was on the website. 
Here it is in it’s fancy fabric drawstring bag. So posh! They always come with a little hair bow too. Such a great product! 

Inside the fabric bag there there is also a plastic bag with pretty designs on it and a fancy Beautifully Custom sticker. Awesomeness. So… I ordered the wig but with no doll in mind as to who might end up getting customized with it. 

This Heidi Ott Doll that I customized last year was one that, while I liked her better that I did when I started with her  after her body transplant and wig change, I still wasn’t totally satisified with her. So I’d never glued on her wig… You know, just in case. Teehee. 

I am so glad I did! Because the minute I put this wig on this doll I knew it was practically made for her. Isn’t it she cute??
I named her Francis because I’ve always loved that name. 
She just looked so pretty out in the natural light that I had to keep taking her photo. 
So I am sure she will become a favorite doll of mine in the Doll House. 
See? I kept taking her photo!
So pretty! Well…. Then…. This past weekend… When my Doll Mad Money Budget was replenished for July Beautifully custom sent me another email about another sale!! Uh oh. 

This one wasn’t quite as inexpensive, it was $27 shipped… It’s on it’s way here. 

Then, low and behold, another one of my favorite wig companies, Exquisite Doll Designs,  had a sale. Uh oh.

This gorgeous wig was only $17.77!! So… I ordered it too. I have an idea of who’s going to get this one and she’s going to be gorgeous in it! 

Gotta run!
Till Next Time!


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