A Long Lost Post: Wellie Wisher Outfits On eBay!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As I may have talked about before, with writing this blog and keeping track of all the various components of that undertaking, I oftentimes have mulitple projects going at one time. Ha! Oftentimes? All-the-times more like. So by the time a post makes it to the blog, it’s lived in my head and then in partially finished steps for quite a while first. However, usually the ‘process’ doesn’t take quite as long as this post has. Somehow it got put on the back-back-back burner. 
I mean I know what step I never got around to doing that has kept this as a ‘draft’ so long. Photos! I kept meaning to take better and more photos of the items I wanted to show you… As you can see here, my Wellie Wisher Suzi was rather half hazardly thrown into a photo of the vintage fridge magnets shaped like veggies that were on my doll dining room table clear back in April. I thought she looked so cute in her little outfit that I just wanted to snap a photo. She is very cute in the little jeans and shirt, eh?  
As an aside, I just recalled that I’d talked about doing a give away of two packs of the vintage veggie magnets and then never got it done or posted. I still have them tucked away in a closet waiting for me to get to… I just have, for several months, been giving a lot of attention to getting ready for the Heartland Doll Tea Parties and it just got kind of forgotten. So I’ll have to dig them out of the closet soon and get that set up. 

So… In late March I had some Dolly Mad Money burning a hole in my pocket and got on eBay. That can be a dangerous thing. Teehee… I have a lot of fun putting in low bid amounts on things just to see if I can get them for a great price. Sometimes I am a bit too good at this. Hahaha. As you can see, I got three parcels in the mail. 
They contained the items that I’d gotten during my little bidding spree. 
So as you can see, I got the cute litte Wellie Wisher outfit for $2.50 shipped! The rest of the stuff in the above photo are just items that I put in the base 99cent bid amount and won. That’s always so much fun. Well, other than the top one that I paid $2.00 for. I love little tops like this because they are great under BuildABear tops on the dolls. The Build A Bear shirts are cute on 18inch dolls but they are often loose at the top unless you alter them. So if you put one of these cute long sleeve body suits under the shirt, it looks like it’s ‘intentionally’ big on the doll. You can see examples of this look in this post although many of the tops in that post are with the more ‘swim suit’ looking body suits. That bottom auction that has the black checked pants and really not matching top? Well, 99cents, I had to see what it was all about. 

See? I got several of the long sleeve tops and some sunglasses and a cute swimsuit.
Here is Jenn Doll with the pants and one of the unitards on. The top that came with the set was made rather poorly but the pants are adorable. 
I am sorry for the lack of more photos but apparently if I don’t post this as it is, it’ll never make it out of drafts. Teehee… Let me know if you’d like to see more photos of what I got. My main point is that you can get quite a few little dolly items on eBay if you just look! 
Better run!

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