New Doll Wigs from Amazon! Sasha Gets A New Look!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As you may know from my recent doll makeover shenanigans I love getting new wigs for dolls and giving them a whole new look. I begin to suspect no doll is safe from customizing when they live in the Doll House. Teehee. However, I’ve learned, finally, that when it comes to doll wigs, you kind of ‘get what you pay for’ and the good ones are not cheap. So, low and behold, what did I find as I just, for the fun of it, searched on Amazon for doll wigs? I found some newly posted doll wigs!! With their marketplace sellers, it’s getting to where you can find nearly as much variety on there as you can on eBay, if you think to look. 
Here is Sasha in the wig I bought to see what they were like. Isn’t she absolutely gorgeous?! 

Here is the link to the wig on Amazon and it was only $15.95 shipped!! Wowsers!! It arrived a lot sooner than expected too… It mentions a weeks long lead time which is common from overseas vendors and so I was amazed when it arrived only 11 days after I ordered it. Fabulous! Apparently the place I bought it from is called Muzi Wigs and they have lots of different styles. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I ordered because they are new but anticipate they will do a fine business with thier great prices, quick shipping and varied styles. I am tempted to go blow my entire months Doll Mad Money there right now!! So many pretty wigs! I’ll try to be good. Teehee.
It is a nice weight wig that came packaged very nicely.
You can’t see them really well through packaging but the colors are so pretty!
When I initially ordered this wig I kind of bought it with this doll in mind. As you may recall if you saw the post, I recently made her over with a pretty plum colored wig.  I loved the plum colored wig on her but had the problem of it not covering the edges of her hair line next to her ears. So I hadn’t glued it down yet while I considered what to do. When I saw this wig on Amazon I thought, given that it’s got blonde highlights, it might ‘blend’ better on her even if it also didn’t cover the hairline completely. So about the minute I got the wig in the mail, I ran and got her and tried it on. 
Only to find that 1) I didn’t like the look of this wig on her compared to the plum colored one (that looked like it was made for her really) and 2) even with the blonde hightlights, I still didn’t like the way the hairline looked by her ears. So… The raspberry wig will be glued on soon. I plan to trim up the blonde hairs a little better first. (Oftentimes when I re-wig I leave ‘stubble’ because I am just glueing a wig on over it and it really doesn’t affect it all that much.) So, now I had this wig as an ‘extra’… What to do? 
Well as you may recall, my Tolly Tot Sasha recently got a duplicate in the doll house. The newer one had hair that was like it was new from the box and so I decided that, when the right wig came along, I’d give Sasha a new look. Her hair was always worn up in a ponytail becasue it wasn’t taken care of quite as carefully as I might could’ve been by her prior owner. So when I was looking at the new wig I thought maybe it might look good on her.

Oh my goodness!! She looks amazing!!! Right? I haven’t glued it down yet… I have to wait for a time when I am feeling particularly patient to glue down doll wigs because it can be a particularly nerve wracking thing to do. So I generally end up glueing a few at a time by the time I am feeling up to it. Hahaha. What can I say, since I am an adult collector and I know they’ll mostly stay put without glue I never feel the need  to do it immediately. This one is a keeper though, for sure. It’s like it was made for her!

I forgot to take photos of the inside of the cap on the wig but it’s a nice quality wig cap and goes on very well. It’s tight enough to stay on if you don’t mess with it too much. I’ll try and remember to snap a photo of the inside of wig cap and come back and update with it soon. 
So I am pretty sure this won’t be my last wig from Muzi Wigs! I am tempted to go buy one right now after telling you about them. I’ve put several in my wish list and so…. Soon enough I am sure one will make it into my cart again. Teehee. 
Well, I better run! I hope this finds you having a wonderful day!!
Till Next Time!

2 thoughts on “New Doll Wigs from Amazon! Sasha Gets A New Look!

  1. Wowzers!!!! Sasha looks entirely different, and so stunning in her new wig. I love this wig. I love normal hair colour. lol this wig is simply gorgeous.


  2. Thanks Loretta! I think she looks amazing too. You're not alone in liking 'normal' hair colors! My husband is of same opinion (as are many other people too I am sure). I am sure if I didn't quite so 'many' dolls, I'd be less liable to make a few of them with 'crazy' colored hair. LOL I think I have to blame my liking dolls with weird hair colors on Strawberry Shortcake dolls. I had a lot of them when I was a kid and they always had odd hair colors. So I find it fun. 🙂 Thanks for always taking the time to comment too by the way! It makes me smile every time. ❤


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