Latest Thrifty Finds For Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
It’s Garage Sale season where I live… I don’t get a chance to go nearly as often as I would like to but when I do, I always find some great stuff. Which means it’s probably good I don’t get to go very often because I find so much great stuff. Hahaha. So this past weekend, here is what I found.

I literally got all of the little items in the above photo for $2.00. It was at a sale where they were clearing out what was obviously a ‘miniature’ collector and so I grabbed all the cute miniatures that were left and the rest of what you see here and brought it up and said “How much for all of this?” What a deal!! See the wooden beads? They are going to be spray painted black (or silver?) to become ‘feet’ for the table I am going to make out of the black and mirrored box I found recently at Goodwill. I love the little sword! So cute! I know it’s meant to be a letter opener but I am so going to use it for one of my boy dolls. They could be a pirate for Halloween!! Fun!
I almost fell over when I saw these four boxes of antique communion cups. I bought all four. I only opened one box at the store to check them out and the ones in that box were shatterproof plastic much like the modern day ones that are disposable only ‘heavier’. So I assumed the entire four boxes were also plastic. Not so! About 3/4’s of them are glass! Awesomeness! Well… sort of. I’d planned to use them to make drinks Dolly Drinks out of them to sell at my upcoming Heartland Doll Tea Parties. However, I can’t very well make them out of glass can I? Since kids would be the ones playing with them. Or maybe I can? I’d have to make a huge caveat sign saying “These are being sold as a craft and not a ‘toy’ due to the fragile nature of the materials they are made from.” just to cover my bases but I know that some girls are very careful with their Dolly items and would be just fine with them. So we shall see…?
Pure nostalgia, really. My father is an ordained Southern Baptist Minister and so I can recall the olden days when we’d fill these all up with grape juice and then have to wash them all buy hand! Now they just throw the plastic ones away. Much more convenient but not nearly as ‘fancy’ as the glass ones felt when you took communion with them. You know what I mean?

This photo frame I bought because the frames remove and I think it’d make a groovy fireplace? I have one from Frann but this one could be part of the Heartland Doll House someday. 

This one I am pretty sure I am going to be kicking myself about for, I dunno, forever? I didn’t buy it. what was I thinking???!!! I could’ve just left it deflated when not in use. Duh. But my “You don’t want to become a doll hoarder” voice won out and I walked away. I could’ve even sent it to my friend Frann cos it would be easy to store for her too. Bummer. I am sure it’s in some little girls room now though so I can take comfort in that. I hadn’t ever seen one that was right size for 18inch dolls before but thought, when I saw it, “Well, now I know they make them so if I ever decide I must have one I can find one online.” Um… Except I can’t find anything like it at all. I had inflatable furniture for my Barbies when I was a kid too so… Anyway. Sometimes you walk away from a treasure and regret it. Nature of thrift stores I suppose. Who knows, maybe I’ll go by that store tomorrow and it’ll still be there…? 
But not likely cos it was only marked $1.99. WHY didn’t I buy it?!? Hahaha.

I also saw this whole box of cute porcelain dolls that were perfectly scaled for 18inch dolls but didn’t get any. They were $1.99 each. Kind of regretting not getting that cute baby on top.

Then there was this last find… I didn’t buy them becasue they were pretty expensive (they were priced by the eaches and not really expensive per item but all totaled up they’d have been a bit pricy). These oriental themed tea set and vases with dragons on them (looks like mostly made in Japan) were beautiful but one more thing that I don’t really need more of… So I purchased one of the little tea cups and left the rest there. Maybe I’ll get lucky and it’ll be to expensive for other people too and it’ll get marked down and I’ll get it then? It could happen, right?

Better run!
Till Next Time!

2 thoughts on “Latest Thrifty Finds For Doll House!

  1. I just HAD to comment. You simply keep writing posts with fascinating photos so I have to comment! I actually had that inflatable chair years ago. I think I paid $7 or $10 Cdn for it at Build a Bear. I'll see if I can find a photo. I gave it away as I switched to quality furniture. lolI really like the miniature baby doll, and the one on the right; she could be a heirloom China head doll for one of your dolls; I can see a story made up about her. What delightful things you find. I also love the dragon vases!!!!!


  2. Hi Loretta! Thanks for the information!! I never considered it might be a Build-A-Bear chair! That makes sense! Truth be told, and I haven't posted about it on the blog yet, but I went back to the thrift store a couple of days later and the couch was still there!! So… I bought it. Plan to review on the blog soon! Teehee.


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