Madame Alexander Mary Gets New Wig and New Name!

Hi Doll Friends!
Just have a quick few moments here to tell you about my most recent customized doll. I’ve been wanting to show her to you for a while now but haven’t had a chance to get her outside for good photos. So I took a few minutes this morning to take her out on the porch and snap a few. 
Meet Chroma Mary! Her name was Mary before, she was a Madame Alexander I’ve had in my collection for a while now but who, sadly, never saw much face time in the Doll House. I recently got Patti Doll as a Goodwill find which meant I had two brown haired brown eyed Madame Alexander dolls in my collection. So… I decided one of them was going to become a customized dolly. 

As I mentioned in this post I recently bought a few more dolly wigs. This one arrived and it suddenly occurred to me who it would look adorable on!
So Mary got a new hair do!

Did I mention it was early when I went out on porch for photos? The light was not that good yet and so I tried a flash on one of them. No good! It makes it look really dark outside instead of it being right around dawn-ish. (It was about 6am)
I think she looks so pretty! Spectrum Doll has a very similar wig and so I think I am going to consider them ‘cousins’ in the doll house.  
As often happens when I take a dolly out for photos, I just kept snapping them because I thought she looked so pretty!
Time flies! I better run and get ready for work!
Have a great day Doll Friends!

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