American Girl Doll Stable Find At Goodwill!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Look what I found at Goodwill this weekend! It is an actual American Girl Doll Stable! I’ve been thinking of making a stable for a while now from an idea I found on Pinterest but this was much easier!
Obviously, it didn’t have the fencing pieces or the other accessories but the stable is really the ‘showpiece’ of the whole set from American Girl. It’s really sturdy and well made! If I decide I must have fence pieces at some point or another, I found these really nifty ones on Etsy that would look perfect with it I imagine. Really, though, it was the ‘stable’ I was wanting to have and so I literally feel like it was a gift from God or something! God is so good to me! 
See, I’d been wanting to make the stable because I mentioned and promised to have horses and ponies at my upcoming Heartland Doll Tea Parties. While I had all the horses and ponies (or four of each to be exact and a mid sized one as well… I can’t help I am good at finding this stuff for next to nothing! It’s not my fault!! Teehee…) I didn’t have the stable itself. I had literally planned to go buy the crate this weekend to try and make one and then I found this one. So that’s why I say I felt like it was a gift from God. Just when I think perhaps I am silly in this whole idea of having tea parties and/or maybe other kinds of Doll Parties in the future, He goes and sends me a key component to the ideas I have in my head. God is so cool like that! Eh?
It was a bit dusty when I got it but otherwise in perfect shape!
It’s marked $9.99 but with my discount I got it for $8.50! SCORE!!
I love the little horseshoe shaped hook on the side. So cute!

So here is Sasha saying hello to a couple of the equestrian members of the Doll House, Equus and one of the ponies which sadly I haven’t really named yet…

Here is the stable with a few accessories added. Isn’t it just as cute as can be?

Have to run! Time flies when you’re having fun, eh?
Have a fantastic Tuesday!

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