Technical Difficulties!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!

I am finally resorting to coming to report that I have been having technical difficulties with my Blogger App on my phone and can’t get it to post my drafts anymore. I updated the app recently and since then, it won’t work. So I am going to have to figure out a different method for getting my blog posts done apparently. I will work on that this weekend now that I have a bit of time. I wanted to come and say Hi though and explain why I’ve been MIA. I hope this finds you having a fantastic Saturday! I’ll try and get a ‘real’ post up soon!! In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some of my favorite doll photos of all time from the blog.

Till then!

3 thoughts on “Technical Difficulties!

  1. Wow…I don't even know how in the world to use apps. I can hardly see my iPhone. lol Let alone type on it. I can only type with one finger; it drives me around the bend. I do all my blog posts here on my computer with a proper keyboard and a huge screen. Ha ha…I'm so old-fashioned!


  2. Not at all. You're the smart one. I don't know how I got into the habit of doing so many things from my phone? The computer is so much easier. Perhaps it is because I work in admin and am at the computer for my work all day and so about the minute I log off, I shut it down and put it away. LOL I do write my blog from it because 1) I can't from Blogger app anymore and 2) a proper keyboard is much easier to manuver. I've got a blog post trying to post right now from my phone. *fingers crossed*


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