Mangia! Thrifty Play Food Finds For Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
I think I’ve figured out my technical difficulties finally! Or rather, I handed my phone over to my husband and he figured them out for me. I’d tell you what he did but the main point is that I am up and running again on Blogger on my phone. Woot! Big shout out to my husband for his constant sweet support of my hobby. 
The other day I went to my local thrift shop and the toy room had a plethora of ‘play food’. I mean it was like a day care had donated their entire cache of play food or something. I was tempted to Buy. All. The. Things. because, I won’t like, I have always gotten a kick out of play food. Just so fun! But I forced myself to only buy only the sets that included what might work for the Doll House. 
Here is what I got, All of the play food was about $2.00. Obviously all of it isn’t going to work for the Doll House because the scale is way too big. But the turkey is pretty spot on and I love the little ‘spaghetti’ and veggie portions. They’re meant to represent a single serviing size as playfood for a child. However, in the Doll House they can make awesome ‘serving bowl’ sized portions of food. 
See what I mean? Here is the table set with three of the food things I got, two of the spaghetti (one has marinara and one has meat sauce) and the ‘mixed veggies’ and I think they look adorable. So obviously I only plan to keep the ones that are the correct scale, but still a fun find! Do you use ‘standard’ play food in your doll scenes? 

Here are Heather and Josh ready for a dinner party they are having. Doesn’t it look scrumptious!

Better run!
Till Next Time!

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