Shuri Goes To Target and Hobby Lobby!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!! 
Last Wednesday night when I went into town for church at Flatland, I went in a little early so I could take a few doll photos. I decided to take Shuri, since she’d recently gotten a makeover. She is the second oldest doll in the Doll House and I figured she would enjoy the outing. 
Here she is outside Target. Isn’t she pretty in the sunshine?
She was excited to pick out a new accessories set! So many cute ones to choose from!
I love both of these dolls mostly for their outfits and accessories… I wish you could buy just their accessories and not the doll! They have released accessory/book sets from the premium dolls in the past though so maybe they will at some point or other. 
Look! They have larger dogs that are poseable! Very cute!
More dolls…
It’s the new “Healthy Pet Vet Clinic”! I hadn’t seen it in person before. It is really cute but it’s HUGE and so I don’t even know I ever want to get one? Not to mention it’s $90.00 and I honestly think I could ‘make’ a vet clinic with accessory sets and ‘found’ furniture items for much much less. So I think this one isn’t even ever going to be on my wish list. Still, cute!

The diner is so fun! I won’t lie, I mostly love it for the accessories. Perhaps if I had a HUGE doll room with endless space expand the Doll House, I’d want the whole thing but as it is, I can play ‘diner’ with the doll items I already own. You know what I mean? American Girl Ideas blog made printables to help you make the accessories so I full plan to make a diner for the dolls at some point or another. Becasue I love greasy spoon diners! They are my favorite places to eat out!

This boat set is really cute but… Again… I don’t think I really want one. I am not even sure where or when I’d use it? It’d make some great photos out by a lake or something but how often do I go out by lakes? Still, if I were a girl who did live by a body of water and/or liked to boat, it’d be a great set!

The Ice Cream truck is pretty adorable too… But one more thing I don’t think I’ll ever need to own. I have the Sweet Shoppe if my Dollies want to go out for some ice cream after all. 

It’s the Camper!! s you may know if you read my blog, I recently got the camper for a song at Goodwill! So, while I may never have wanted one if I had to pay full price for it, I certainly am glad to have it. Of all the larger OG accessories they make, outside of the car that I also recently got as a gift, the camper is likely the one I would’ve chosen. So… like I say, so glad to have it!

This year they released it in pink! How cute!!
Here is the Jeep. It’s cute but I wish they’d have made it like the car, wehre two dolls can fit in. 
Shuri had to sit in the pink car since they had one there. 
Here she about to ring up at the cash register. 
Since it was right in the same shopping center, we decided to visit Hobby Lobby. I love that store! If for no other reason than they are a Christian company who closes on Sunday so their employees can go to church and spend time with family. They also play Christian music on their sound system so I feel right at home there! Not to mention they have nifty items!
Here is Shuri by the huge display of scarecrows!
She’s certainly safe from crows sitting there! Hahaha.
Here she is in the pretty aisle of fall colors…
We rounded the corner and found Christmas stuff! I am sure that a lot of people think it’s way too early for Christmas stuff to be released but I can kind of undertand it in a craft store. If you’re going to make crafts for Christmas craft shows, you need to be buying the stuff and making it now. So that makes sense. Don’t get me started about Christmas stuff being out way too early at standard stores. If you have ‘Christmas’ around for two or three months, it kind of dilutes the specialness of it, eh? I digress.
Such pretty ornaments!!
These little trays of cookies and macaroons almost tempted me to buy them. They were 40% off… But I decided to hold off. Still, so cute!
And here are some newer styled gingerbread house ornaments! I got some last year on clearance and they are perfect for 18inch dolls! 
Here is Shuri with the Springfield Dolls. I have a few of them in the Doll House although they’ve long since been customized… Kevin Doll was made from an Olivia doll. I also have a Maria (not pictured here) that I gave a new wig and freckles to. They really are pretty decent dolls considering the price point of $21.99 and that you can get them at 40% off with a coupon nearly all the time. 

Shuri found this cute cowboy hat and had to try it on…
There were several kinds and sizes available. 
Here she is by the clothes!! They really have cute stuff.
I love the jewelry making stuff…! I wish I was better at knowing how to make doll jewelry… Someday I’ll learn!
We had to take a photo of Shuri by this pretty mannequin… So fancy!
I love all the retro ‘old signs’ they sell…
These air fresheners always catch my eye because they look like doll sized scented candles… But they are like $6 and so I’ve never bought one… Yet…. Haha.

These photos of Shuri in the mirror aisle! They are probably my favorites of the day! So pretty!

So it was fun taking her out on a little adventure. Will have to come back sometime soon and show you which accessories set we picked out!

Till next time!

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