Calla Opens A Diner At The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
As you may recall, last Saturday I went on a bit of a Doll Shopping Spree!! One of the things I purchased was two Our Generation Diner Accessories Set. I bought two because I feel like you kind of need at least two tables or it’s not that much of a diner, you know what I mean? I really think the Our Generation Diner is super cute but also that it’s way too huge an item for me to every really own. Just not practical because it’s not like it breaks down to store away. So my idea was to just buy the accessories sets and make a diner of my own. Since Calla is the oldest doll in the Doll House I decided that the diner would be hers! So, here are some photos from the diner!! I also made a YouTube Video with more photos if you want to check it out. 
This post will likely mostly be photos because I am so dreadfully behind in drafts as to be ridiculous! It’s a delicate balance, this whole blogging thing. Sometimes I’ll be a frenzy of activity with regards to creating scenes or whatnot and load up my camera with a ton of photos and then getting them uploaded and then turned into a blog post… Well, it’s a lot of steps. I am not complaining. I love love love the whole thing! But, sometimes my balance gets lopsided and I don’t get as many posts actually posted to the blog because I am off making content with my finite amount of ‘hobby time’. If that makes any sense at all! So, for this one the photos mostly tell the story anyway, so I’ll just let them do it for the most part. 

Here is Calla at the cash till of the diner. Don’t you just love the little vending machine? I recently got that at Goodwill for 99cents (I think? Maybe it was $1.99?) but don’t think I remembered to come tell you about it?

Here are the tables of the diner… I suppose only having two tables is a bit silly and perhaps I’ll come up with a scene someday with more but… Space is an issue with this sized doll! Haha!
A couple of the other Journey Girls took Kylee out to a ‘Welcome to the Doll House Lunch”!
Spectrum is putting some music on the jukebox! 

You can tell where I totally ran out of time there in the middle, huh? I am posting this as is though because think you get the drift. If you have any questions about who the dolls are, just holler in comments and I’ll let you know.

Have a great long weekend if you have one!
Till Next Time!

3 thoughts on “Calla Opens A Diner At The Doll House!

  1. Hi Frann; thanks so much for your comment. I love to play with the dolls. I think it's because I don't have any grandchildren! Tee hee…I love Heather's photos. They inspire me to keep taking photos.


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