A Tale Of Three Doll Loo’s! Win A Doll Potty!

Greetings Doll Friends!
I recently made a portable doll house called Heartland Doll House for an idea I had with my lovely friend Patti from The Treasure Trove Antiques and Tea Room to have Doll Tea Parties. We did a few of them and they were so much fun
Sadly, having a full time job and a family and trying to write this blog… Well, I just don’t have the ongoing time to invest in continuing to put together and host Doll Tea Parties. So, I handed the Doll House over to Patti for her to use in upcoming Doll Tea Parties so I could turn my focus back to what I really enjoy… Creating or finding doll items and telling you about them. I am happy to report that Patti has gotten bitten by the Doll Bug and that alone will have made my time and energy into creating the Heartland Doll House worth it all. 
However, there was one room that I was reticent to give up permanently from my own Doll House… The Bathroom! It’s come a long way from it’s original inception… I don’t think I even ever wrote about getting the sink from Amazon now that I look for the post I thought I did. LOL I tell you, a blog post lives a long time in my brain before it makes it out in photos and words and I guess sometimes I think I’ve made a post and it’s never left the space between my ears. Hahaha!
So I wanted to be able to both leave a bathroom in the Heartland Doll House and have one in my own… So what to do? Doll toilets are not the easiest thing to find! I mean, American Girl just came out with a bathroom for Julie that has a toilet which is super-de-dooper-adorable but also $195!! I have been a member of doll groups on Facebook for a while though and so I know that popular options for toilets are the toilet bank like I had used and… There was a potty training doll from Fisher Price called Little Mommy Gotta Go Doll once that has a toilet and sink combo that also is pretty close to the right scale. However, they can get rather pricey on eBay. So when I saw this one on eBay for only $20 plus shipping, I excitedly snapped it up. This way I could review it for you and then give it over to Patti so she’ll have a bathroom in the Heartland Doll House. Win win!! 
It arrived pretty quickly and it is so cute!! As you can see, it’s all one piece, the toilet and sink are hooked together by a plastic ‘wainscoting’ and honestly match my Our Generation Bathtub almost perfectly. Right? Patti told me that she’d go ahead and get a tub of her own to match the new toilet sink or perhaps even make them a shower instead. So she’ll have a great bathroom!
Here is Estella washing her hands at the sink. Perfect size, right?
One feature of this toilet is that when you push down the handle, the ‘water’ spins and has two sides, the clean water side and the ‘poopy’ side. Every single time I see the ‘poopy side’ I giggle. “Even dolls poop!” runs in my head. Hahaha! We used to have a kids book called Everyone Poops and sure enough… Even the dolls! 
Anyway, sadly, this toilet must have been flushed one too many times because instead of the default being the pretty clean water, the poop is always showing. Bummer! I mean, the flushing sound works great with the batteries in… But it will always look like someone forgot to flush. Stinker! Literally! (Teehee… Ok, I’ll stop with the toilet humor but it really is the perfect place for it, right?)
So if you’re looking to make a doll bathroom for less than $195, that might be an option for you… Still, even if you can get the toilet for about $30 like I did, once you add the OG Bathtub, you’re at $60 and that’s not nothing… 

“Hey! A little privacy please!!” 
(Kidding. I had to show you how well she sits on the toilet)
She can sit rather well… 

Just for good comparison sake, I went ahead a took a few new photos of my own toilet and sink combo in same space so you’d be able to better guage the size differences and simularities. 
I really do love my doll bathroom. I cna’t help it, it makes me smile.

One of the best parts about the toilet bank option is that the toilet can sit right down into the OG Bathtub for storage! As I’ve mentioned before, I try to make all my doll rooms as portable and storable as possible because I don’t really have the space in my Doll Room to keep a doll house up all the time so I usually only have a few rooms up at a time… So it’s always good for items to pack away easily together.

As I mentioned, $60 is still a little steep for a Doll Bathroom especially if you’re on a budget… I remember when I first started making a doll house, there were so many rooms I wanted and so little money to make them real. So I was hoping to figure out some good option for people on a budget but who aren’t quite crafty enough to make a toilet like the genius who writes American Girl Ideas.Then, low and behold, like the day after I order the Fisher Price toilet, what do I see at the Walmart clearance section but a doll potty!? For $1.50!!

Now, mind you, it’s not quite as realistic as the other two options but the price is way more comfortable!! Also, I think the dolls will sit easier on this one than the other two… There is a little lever on the left hand side that you can even ‘flush’ this one too. Pretty cute considering the price!!
So I had to pick one up because I knew I was going to write this blog post! Haha. I don’t need yet another doll toilet though! So… Since last week’s doll drawing give-away was so popular, I’ve decided that this little potty will be my next drawing give-away! Just the potty itself, not the rest of the items in the photo… Just to clarify! Don’t want anyone disappointed when their potty arrives by itself. 
How do you enter drawing? Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!! Just like last week, you just go and ‘like’ the PCR American Doll House Facebook Page and share the post there about the contest on your own Facebook page. That’s it, super easy!
 I will draw the name of the contest winner on Sunday September 10, 2017 at  6PM Central Standard Time.
*Contest only open to people in the United States or APO addresses due to postage costs!!*
(Sorry international readers, I only have so much money to devote to my little blog here)

So if you’re wanting a doll toilet, maybe you can win this one?! Good Luck!!

See? She sits pretty well on this one too! Too cute.

Better run!

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