DIY Bath Towels, Hand Towels and Wash Cloths for American Girl Dolls

Hi Doll Friends!

I made doll bathtowels, hand towels and wash cloths this morning out of a hand towel. When I got my washing machine for the doll house, I thought it’d be cute to fold some towels on top like the dolls are folding their laundry on top. In the past, I have used pretty kitchen towels as beach towels. Sadly when I folded them on top of the washer, they looked sort of silly… So I had the idea that I’d cut them down to make more ‘bath towel’ sized towels. But how to keep them from unraveling? Then I remembered a trick my Grandma used when her bathtowels would start to fray on the edges. She’s make them into washcloths. How would she do that? She’d mark out the right sizes on the towels and zip around the shapes with her zig-zag setting on her sewing machine. Hmmmm…
So I decided to give it a try… I’d found some pretty kitchen towels on clearance at the end of summer for like 75cents that I bought as beach towels for the dolls… So I decided to give it a try. 
I marked out what I thought would make good mesaurements for the bath towels, hand towels and wash cloths with a ruler and a sharpie. 
You can see the two “bathtowels” here at the end. I was so curious to see if they’d be the right size that I cut them out immediately. 
And fold them up in the same way I fold my own real bathtowels. Because I am a geek like that. Haha.

I should’ve waited to cut them out until all of the seams were done because having that rough edge where I cut off the bath towels was kind of a pain. I’ll know when I make my next set! 
So as you can see, I zig-zagged around the lines. You can also see I messed up once when I was making the lines in the hand towels. Rats. 

I also accidentally made one of the wash cloths a bit smaller too… So I will put that smaller one in the cleaning kit. The measurements for the wash cloths are 2inches by 2inches, the hand towels are 2inches by 5inches. I think next time I’ll make them 3×5 instead… But I think they are cute enough.

They were so small they didn’t want to stay folded. So I folded them and them pressed them, folded, with an iron and they stayed much better. So here they all are, folded on top of the washing machine. I plan to make at least one more set in an alternate patterned towel because it’d be so much cuter to have a couple of different patterened towels. So, if you’re wanting linens for your Dolly Bathroom, they are no further away than a hand towel and the zig-zag stitch on your handy sewing machine! If you make some, I’d love to see pictures!!

Better run!

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