Our Generation Boy Doll Arrives At Doll House!

Hi Doll Friends,
When he first came out, I wasn’t sure I wanted to get the new Our Generation Boy Doll Rafael. I have lots of boy dolls in the Doll House already. However, this past weekend my sweet husband gifted me with some mad money to spend on dolls and so off to the internet I went to browse. 
When I went to Target’s website to see what might appeal to me there, if anything, and this little fella popped up at the top of the list of dolls. Suddenly, I had a moment of impulse purchase fever and before I knew it, he was in my ‘cart’ along with another item so I’d get free shipping… Does that ever happen to you? Teehee.
I am so glad I bought him!! He is so much more handsome in real life than he was on the website. To me anyway. His eyes are gorgeous!
Here he is in the box. When he first came out of the box, his hair was super stiff with some sort of gel… At first I was a bit worried that it was junk hair but then I searched YouTube and discovered that all you need to do is rinse out his hair with warm water and it washes all the ‘traveling gel’ out of his hair. So I did that and, sure enough, his hair is lovely.

One thing I found interesting was that he has the words “Our Generation” on the back of his neck, not Battat like other OG Dolls have. I think, now I am going to have to go look at other newer OG’s to be sure? I might’ve only noticed because his hair is short?
I actually found two flaws in my doll… I don’t really want to take him back because of such little flaws but, they are flaws. What are your thoughts? He had this little hard bulge in his torso, like a sewing pin or something got sewn up inside of him or something. Very strange. But I guess people do have scars too and I get a kick out such things so… 

He also had this little brown dot on his forehead, like when they were painting his eyebrows an errant drop of paint dropped by accident. Again, people do have moles so…

I am pretty sure I will keep him. I’ve decided to name him Tyler after one of my son’s very first friends. They’ve been friends since the womb because his mother and I were pregnant together. I was trying to puzzle out a good name and then all the sudden when I was photographing him on the porch I thought “He looks just like Tyler!!” 
What do you think? Am I close? Eitherwise, his name is Tyler.
Do you have any boy dolls? I love mine because, in real life, there are always boys as well as girls! Right? So, I need brothers and cousins and classmates and friends for my girl dolls too!
Better run!

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