Our Generation Doll Bed Goodwill Find!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends,
Recently, when I was at a Goodwill, I wandered over to the ‘carts’ where they have the stuff that is ready to be put out for sale and what did I see sitting right on top? 

A basically brand new Our Generation Doll bed! Ironically enough, I’d just recently found Frann Doll’s My Life As Doll bed on clearance recently too! So, my dolly’s are going to get such great sleep now!

Here is the bed just before I started snipping open the seams that held all the bedding in place., Yes, that’s right, the bedding hadn’t ever even been removed from the bed?! Like, no one ever even played with this doll bed. Isn’t that interesting?!
Here it is just after I got it home from the store. It was marked $5.99 and considering a brand new one costs $39.99, that’s pretty good! Like 80% off or something. Awesomeness!! There was one flaw on the bed, an ink stain on the bedspread. It looks like someone accidentally layed a pen of some sort on the bed with the lid off and ink got on it. Other than that, brand new really…

Here is the back of the bed. I’ve always liked the Our Generation style of bed because when I was a kid I had a dream of having a ‘day bed’ of my own… Who says dreams don’t come true? Eh?

See what I mean about it being brand new? It still had the fastenings attached, as if some one literally ripped it out of the cardboard box it comes in but didn’t even bother to cut away the zip ties? Maybe they just didnt’ own a pair of scissors? Because…

Same deal on the other side and…
Even the threads that hold the mattress and pillows on the bed for shipping and displaying were all totally un-cut. Which is good because otherwise, if a bed like this even ever made it Goodwill at all, it arriving with even the mattress included would be sort of amazing… So to get all the original blankets and pillows? It’s like a gift from God!! 
Thanks God! You’re always so good to me! 💓

So yesterday I reconfigured the doll bedroom to include the new bed. Well, beds… If you notice that white bed on the left hand side? That’s another recent thrift store find that I need to come report on! Stay tuned for that soon… I’d decided that Frann Doll should have her own space in the Doll House but she told me she would much rather have a room mate or two so she won’t be lonely. She loves being able to chat with her sisters before she falls asleep at night she said. So, here is the room she is going to share! What do you think of it? 

And here are the two newest Twin Doll’s that Frann and I are going to share. The one sitting is the one headed out in the mail this week to live with Frann and the one on left will stay living here in the Doll House. I love having Twin Dolls with Frann. It’s so much fun!!

I better run!
Till Next Time!

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