Twin Madame Alexander Dolls For Frann and Me!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends! 
This weekend I’ve been trying to catch up on some doll related things I’ve wanted to do for a while now. One of those things was…
To photograph the latest twin dolls I found at Goodwill recently for Frann and me! I wanted to get photos of them together before I send off Frann’s doll in the mail this coming week. I re-wigged one doll from a pinkish red into this dark brown wig in order to make them into twins. I asked Frann if she wanted me to re-wig her doll or leave her as she was and she opted to keep her with her orignal haircut. Frann said that oftentimes real twins don’t have the exact same hair cut afterall. So, they are cute twins sporting different hair styles!
One reason I took so long to get the doll ready to send to Frann was I wanted to send her in a dress I upcycled but also wanted to do the Fashion Show with the clothes I was sending… So it took a bit of time to pull off. 
But at long last, here are the girlies ready to get dressed into some traveling clothes!
Well, only one of the dolls is traveling actually but they both wanted to get dressed in a similar dress for their goodbye photos. 

So here they are in their new dresses and some cute fall boots!

Don’t they look lovely?
Calla came in to chat with them and assure the traveling sister that everything would be lovely and she was going to have such a fun life in Korea! You may notice I say ‘traveling sister’ and not her name… That is because Frann is going to name these twin dolls and she is still deciding on what they should be called. So I’ll let you know as soon as she tells me!!

This last photo was a total ‘error’ photo that I am not really sure how I even took it but I thought it looked kind of neat and so I am showing it to you.

I better run! I have a few more blog drafts I want to get posted today!
Have a great day!

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