Doll Sized Tupperware Modular Mates Score From Goodwill!!

Hi Doll Friends!!
When I was a little girl, my mother, for a short time, was a Tupperware Lady. I think she became a consultant just to be able to get the ‘kit’ that came as part of the package when you sign up. Presumably, the kit is to take to Tupperware parties to show off the pretty dishes to the possible clients. I won’t lie, I don’t recall even one time my Mom actually did a party so… I suspect that is the case. In any case, it established, in me, a love of Tupperware products from an early age. Also, a pretty uncanny ability to identify and locate any Tupperware item at a thrift store from 20 paces. Hahaha. 
I have quite a bit of Doll Sized Tupperware in the Doll House from such sources. I got the Cake Taker Set from the 1970s at a thrift store once for only 50cents! Then I ended up getting the Barbie version of the cake taker at a totally different store. Do I need two cake takers? Um… That’s a great question. Until I figure out the answer, I’ll hold on to both of them. There could be a bake sale in the Doll House! You never know! Right? I searched and searched on Tupperware’s website and it appears that they don’t sell the cake taker anymore? They do have the kids baking set and the mini serving set… But it would appear the only place to find the kids cake taker is on eBay or other second hand sources. What’s up with that Tupperware? Weird much? I am sure it would sell. Right? I really should’ve have done that eBay search for you to post the linky… Now I know they made a modern version! I will tell you, if I find that one cheaply second hand, I will have a third cake taker in the Doll House! How cute!! I digress…
I found this little bag of modular mates at Goodwill and I literally giggled out loud. I have modular mates galore in my own, real, kitchen. To tell the truth, I also became a Tupperware dealer for a few months once, to earn the kit and get the discount. I picked up a lot of Modular Mates then. They are pretty expensive and so I only got a few new. However, as you may have surmised by reading this here little blog, I have a bit of an ‘eye’ for finding things. And I have like 100 modular mates in my kitchen, storing all my stuff… Right down to the spice containers. So, to have modular mates in my dollies cupboards just makes me smile.  

Here are six of them in the doll kitchen. Aren’t htey cute?! Even though they probably won’t be seen all that often in my doll scenes, I’ll get a kick out of knowing they are in the little cupboard all the time, ‘storing’ my dollies staples. How fun is that?

Better run!

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