Belated Labor Day Camping Trip Post!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends,
I am finding that one hazard of having started making YouTube videos is that I end up making the video and thinking “I’ll post the blog post later…” and then, in my mind, because the video is posted perhaps, the blog post becomes ‘checked off’ in my mind. So I nearly even deleted these photos before coming here to post them because I’d made the YouTube video! So, my new plan is to post all photos to blog immediately upon editing… I am rambling. I am sure that was a boring paragraph! Haha! Suffice to say I am trying to figure out how to navigate covering all the different manner of social media that is modern life for my little blog here. 
Anyway, on with the photos from a camping trip some of the dolls took over the Labor Day weekend. 

Here is their camp site, nice and private!
The girls who went were Francis, Radel, Sasha and Angela

They just love the new camper and couldn’t wait to get it out at the camp grounds!

Here are Angela and Sasha getting some food ready… The little RV kitchen is so handy!

Radel and Francis are getting the tent set up for later…

What is it that makes food taste so much better when you’re camping?
Am I right? Even apples taste amazing!

Angela made some delicious muffins for the trip… YummO!

Francis and Sasha are talking about taking their sleeping bags and sleeping directly under the stars!

Radel and Angela decide they are going to take a little hike…

They take the lantern just in case they get lost in the woods. I think perhaps they’ve seen one too many scary movies. 

But they didn’t get lost after all and were seemingly back at camp in no time!

Do you like camping? What is your favorite time of year to go?

Better run! I am about 20 drafts behind and am hoping to catch up on some this evening!
Have a happy weekend!

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