Many Recent Doll Clothes Upcycles From Newborn Sized Baby Onesies!

Greetings Doll Friends!

Especially when you get a huge stack of basically new newborn sized onsies for 25cents each. Score!
Quite a few of the tops in the Fashion Show were made from these onesies. I still have the hats to make over, they were only 10cents each and I think I can take them in enough to work on the dolls. If not, not much lost, eh? 

See the tops on the dolls on either side of Frann Doll? They are wearing made over onesies tops. I think they look so cute with leggings!

Please note, if you’re making the onsies over in the way I described, by inserting seam binding in the hem of the shirt, it makes it really hard to put them on unless you put them on from the top down, not over the head. If that makes sense. The opening to the kneck is super stretchy and so putting them in feet first from the top of the shirt is easiest way to dress them in these tops or dresses. 

Here are a few girls waiting in the bedroom for their turn on stage.
Prism is wearing a made over onesie with skirt I made over from a child sized skirt. It’s one of my favorites of the outfits I’ve made recently… I like that while it looks very girlie, it’s also got a sporty look it. Fun!

The two on the right are made over onesies. I love love love the tights I found on eBay to go with the polka dot top. I want a pair like that of my own! Right? I need to finish a draft I wrote about my recent purchase of doll leggings on eBay. I went on a bit of a shopping spree for leggins much like I did for dresses in the past where I got them for really low prices. It almost makes me feel bad how cheaply I get them sometimes but they offer them for sale so… Why not buy them, right?

This is a bit of a different sort of onesie, a bit more dressy if you will… I made it into a dress. 

I used exactly the same ‘procedure’ as I did for the more casual onesies though.

Here are the latest twins for Frann and I wearing them. 

Here is Calla also wearing a made over onesie top with leggings. I think that is going to be a popular outfit in the Doll House. Hahaha. Because I made quite a few and have many yet to make over. So much fun and so easy…

Actually, I kind of got caught up making over things for a while and then doing the Fashion Show of them that I accumulated a small mountain of drafts here on the blog… So you’ll have to excuse me if I post as many as I can get through today!

Here are some boy ones I made over… I forgot all about putting them in the fashion show actually. I forgot more than a few things actually! Did I mention I went a bit crazy at the sewing machine. LOL

I think there will be many more of this sort of tops and dresses in the Doll House in the future.

This pink one with white polka dots will probably always be a favorite. Isn’t it cute?

Better run!

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