Sasha Doll Leaves The Doll House

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
One of my most amazing thrift store finds has been when I found a Sasha Doll at Goodwill. I was so stoked! I had always dreamt of owning one and to actually have that dream come true, amazing. However, sadly, for whatever reason, the poor dear really just sits on my doll shelf collecting dust. I actually told my husband I thought I’d pack her away because she was ‘too nice to leave out collecting dust’ and he, quite rightly, told me ‘Why is her sitting in a box any better? Accidents and wear can happen in boxes too.’ Quite right, quite right. Still, as much as I admire her and am amazed I ever found her, I never really ‘fell in love’ with this doll. Maybe because I am always extremely careful with her when I touch her, fearful she’ll fall apart or something. Which is silly because she’s made very very well. Hence them being worth a few coins. So after a lot of consideration, I decided I would try and ‘re-home’ her to someone who might appreciate her more. 
She’s currently listed on eBay on a BuyItNow for $99.99 plus calculated shipping. I know I know, that’s loads more than what I got her for. But if I am going to part with her, it’s going to be in order to reinvest in my doll hobby and so I don’t think I could let her go for any less than that. Maybe if someone shot me an offer I’d consider going down a smidge but… I think it’s a fair price. 

She really is a pretty doll and in really great shape. Her joints are all very tight and she can pose really well.

You can see down through to her hair roots on top but I don’t think she’s lost hair? Because her hair is really pretty thick and lovely. 

See, just lovely.
Sorry for the nude photos but I don’t think I ever showed her to you properly when I got her and I don’t think I’ve posted about or photographed her much ever again either. See why I think it’s only fair, to her, to let her go to someone who will be thrilled everytime they look at her? So this might be the last chance I get to show you what her body is like and how well articuated she is. There is a reason these beautiful dolls held their value. 

See how well she holds her arms up? I am not sure if she has her original stringing or if she’s been restrung but in any case, her limbs are tight and I could probably have had her do the classic handstand if I’d have thought about it. 

I decided to have her meet and stand next to my Lilly American Girl Doll. That is usually what I get request for when I have a doll that is nearly the same size. They could totally be room mates or friends and it kind of makes me regret not having involved her more in the Doll House but… It is what it is. Who knows, maybe she won’t sell? If not, I’ll know she’s meant to live with me for sure! Haha!

If you’re interested in her, here is the linky to her listing on eBay.

Better run!

October 9, 2017

She sold last week! I used the proceeds to buy the Target Diner for the Doll House! That is a link to the YouTube about it but I plan to write a blog post too! I am so happy of the ‘trade’ and hope that the Sasha doll has a long happy life with her new owner.

🙂 Heather

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