Welcome Charlsea to The Doll House! Thanks Frann!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
If you’ve read this blog for any time at all, you’ll likely know that I have a wonderful beloved sister friend named Frann I made via this very blog. In fact, of all the good my little hobby here has brought into my life, my friendship with Frann is the most precious. I literally think it’s the reason God compelled me into writing it in the first place. That’s kind of an amazing story… I’ll tell it sometime but I want to give it it’s very own blog post and maybe even YouTube video! I also literally just had that idea as I typed it. Side note, have I ever mentioned I write my blog posts kind of on the fly with no real set plan as to what I am going to say and that I am dismal at ever coming back to edit? I’m like Edna in The Incredibles… “I never look back daaaahling….” Apparent, likely, is that in my erratic chain of thoughts I leave here I suppose. Hahaha. I am digressing and bunny-trailing all over the place here. Back to the reason I mentioned all this in the first place!! 
Frann and I love to have Twinsie Dolls!! We have so many now that I’ll need to take a group photo and show them all to you soon and tell you their stories. So last week was a holiday in Korea, where Frann lives and she wanted to treat us to another Twinsie Doll! So, on that note: 
Welcome Maplelea Charlsea to the Doll House! Frann said she’d like to get us Maplelea dolls but let me choose which one to get. I chose Charlsea because I love many things about her… 

She’s got a sweet face and cute layered pumpkin colored hair. She’s got a super cute meet outfit! 

Most importantly though, to me, was her little personality. She’s very into crafts and being creative. I think that’s fabulous!! 

Oftentimes when we get Twinsie Dolls, the twins will both come to the Doll House and then go off to live in Korea with Frann and her dolls… This time, in interest of getting her Charlsea to her sooner to when my Charlsea arrived,we had them ship Frann’s Charlsea twin to her directly. So Frann should have Charlsea at her house this coming week!

As with all Maplelea Dolls, like my first and only other Maplelea Doll Saila, Charlsea came with an amazing little notebook journal that tells all about her. The quality of these little books blow me away. I think just the book alone, in a book store, would probably cost at least $25. Considering the whole doll, including the book, is $99.99, I think that’s wonderful! I love good value and quality!

As with many dolls, you can’t really appreciate how cute and pretty a doll is until you get it out in the natural light and take a good look. Charlsea is beautiful!!

Here she is with Lilly Doll, who’s welcoming her to the Doll House by taking a little walk with her. Jet lag from Canada isn’t too bad but still the flight was so long! (Teehee)

Naturally, the first thing she wanted to do was to get out of the clothes she was wearing in her box! She’d never worn anything else and it felt so good to get to try a different look!

I think Charlsea is so lovely and am sure she’ll be a frequent ‘player’ in upcoming blog posts and YouTube videos!

Thank you so much Frann!! I love love love her! You’re so sweet to me! 

The girls really enjoyed their walk! I made a little YouTube Video of their walk too, if you’d like to take a look at it, it’s right here.

I just looked at the time! I have to run if I am going to make it to church on time!

Till Next Time!

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