Starpath Doll Arrives At The Doll House

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Recently when I was watching of my favorite YouTube channels about dolls I found a review of a new kind of 18inch doll! What?!? I was intrigued to say the least. So off I went to look for the doll and low and behold a few of my other doll related YouTube channels also had reviews! So I watched them all and decided I needed to bring one of these beautiful dolls home to the Doll House!
The line of dolls is called Starpath Dolls. They are actually 18.5 inches, which is a neat difference I think since actual people are all manner of different heights. Eh? They come with a book, kind of like American Girl dolls but with one huge difference. The books you get with these dolls can be customized to your (or your child’s) own names and favorites so it is a story all about you! Awesomeness!!
As luck would have it, my husband, ever one to spoil me, handed me a gift card last weekend! Some guys bring flowers… my husband knows I prefer dolls! But he has lost track of which I own and so gifts me with money instead… He’s the best! Ironically enough it was for nearly the exact price point of the Starpath dolls! So, as I am sure you can imagine, I had one ordered lickety-split! 
When I ordered her I assumed it’d be a couple of weeks before I got her since the book would need to be made… So imagine my surprise and delight to find her waiting for me on my front porch at lunch time yesterday! Super fast shipping! Amazon couldn’t have even gotten her here quicker! Well done Starpath dolls!
Wednesday’s are my busiest day of the week really because after work we go to church. Our church is an hour away… So by time we get home it’s late and I am much too tired to “doll”. So I only was able to get her out of box and take a couple of photos of her! I am hoping today the weather will be nice and I can get some more photos because she is so beautiful!! She seems to be really well made too! I’ll look her over more closely today after work and compare her to a couple of other standard 18inch dolls like American Girl, Our Generation, MyLifeAs and Journey Girls. I’ve needed to do a side by side comparison for a while now anyway. So I’ll try and get that done soon!
Better run! Happy Friday Eve!

One thought on “Starpath Doll Arrives At The Doll House

  1. Oh, she is beautiful! Can't wait for your full review. I had heard of these dolls before, but never really paid attention. It's always fun to discover new dolls, isn't it?


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