Another Goodwill Doll Makeover!!

Hi Doll Friends!
I recently found this poor mistreated dolly at Goodwill. 

For as much of a mess that the doll was, her clothes were like new and four very cute pieces. I bought the doll mainly for the clothes honestly… The dress and jacket are totally adorable! I already own a pair of leggings just like this and boots too. So, the $3.99 I paid was worth it for just the clothes. 

The poor doll had been woefully mistreated. Who does this to a doll? Yikes! She was covered over her entire face, arms and hands with ink marks and fingernail polish and dirt. She is one of the first dolls I thought might just be a total loss and unfixable. Still…. I had her home and what did I have to lose really in trying?

So I pulled out my handy Norwex cloth and cleaned off all the surface dirt… Then the next day I went and got a ‘magic eraser’ sponge and gave her a once over with that. The ink didn’t budge… I nearly threw in the towel at that point but I recalled seeing a tip several times in my Doll Groups on Facebook that if you buy zit creme and slather it over the ink and put doll in the sun, you can get the ink to come off. I’ve never had a doll so far gone that the other two methods I’d already tried didn’t work but I’d always wanted to test the zit cream idea. Perfect time and perfect doll!

I wish I would’ve taken more before and during photos but I kind of got lost to my working on her and forgot. Here she is in her second round of zit cream mask out in the sun. 

And in two days of treatments, she was nearly flawless. She has three fingernails on one side that were apparently ‘painted’ with blue sharpie marker and while they faded quite a lot, they didn’t completely go away. I may, at some point, give her a few more zit cream treatments on those fingers but all the other ink mostly vanished! It felt like a miracle!

Since her hair had been cut already it wasn’t too difficult to decide to re-wig her. I actually even had a wig on hand that I’d recently purchaed from Amazon for $9.99.

The only other ‘flaws’ she still has are, when I was cleaning off the nail polish I was using some fingernail polish remover… Well, it kind of removed a spot of paint on her left eyelid. I am sure I’ll look for some correctly colored craft paint and paint the spot… Maybe? 
When I finally got her all cleaned up and tried on the wig I knew exactly what her ‘story’ was going to be…

I thought I’d add her two these two lovely dolls as a ‘sibling’… Prism and the OG here who I haven’t named yet  Update January 8, 2019: Iridescent both have the brilliant green eyes and so does this doll. So they are going to be ‘sisters’ in the Doll House! I mean I call a lot of the dolls sisters to each other but in their actual little backstory (that is mainly only in my head) I plan to consider them sisters by birth. Hahaha. If that makes sense. They don’t look like twins but could definately be siblings!

Better run!
Have a great day!

3 thoughts on “Another Goodwill Doll Makeover!!

  1. Hi Michelle! Thanks for comment! It's always so lovely to connect with new Doll Friends. I love the name!!! I was trying to think of something rainbow related but have already used Prism and Spectrum… Although as I type that out I realized I don't think I've actually used 'Rainbow' itself yet? In any case, I am totally going with Iris for this OG. I love it! Thanks again! 🙂 Have a great weekend!


  2. RagingMoon1987: Oooops! I called you Michelle because I clicked on your Blogger profile and it brought up blogs you follow and I took it as blogs you wrote… (Can you tell I don't navigate GooglePlus very well? All thumbs!) I didn't know if it was geeky to call you by your 'handle'?? LOL Internet etiquette is hard to figure out. Iny any case, sorry about that. I need to learn not to communicate with people before I have a whole cup of coffee. Hahaha. Thanks again though for the suggestion!! ❤


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