Wellie Wisher Emerson Arrives At Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
I’ve recently been reading about a new line of dolls that Battat/Our Generation is coming out with called the Glitter Girls. They are likely an answer to the American Girl Doll Wellie Wishers becaues they are exactly the same size for the most part. What’s a bit maddening is that even though I’ve seen them in that video now and on a few Doll Groups on Facebook, I can’t find them in stores or online at Target. Why, oh why don’t they just release all stores and online all at the same time? So annoying. So I mentioned it to my husband in passing and it’s always delightful when he pays close attention and surprises me with a perfect something. Because who should he walk in the door with last Friday? Wellie Wisher Emerson! I guess when I was lamenting not being able to find the Glitter Girls I mentioned something like: “The Glitter Girls will be great because even though I have one Wellie Wisher I don’t think I will likely ever splurge to get another one but it’d be fun to have same sized sisters to go with my first Wellie Wisher doll. So what does he do? He goes out and gets me a sibling… Another Wellie Wisher!! 

And I love love love her!! She was the one of the two I wanted most… She’d likely have been my first pick if she’d have been in stock the day I went and got my first one. So, perfect!!

Here she is meeting my other Wellie and the girls who were modelign the JoJoSiwa Outfit Set. She was so excited to come out of her box and find so many instant friends!!

I still plan to buy one or two of the Glitter Girls when I eventually do find them I am delighted to have two Wellies, now, for them to be sisters to! My husband is so sweet to me!

Better run!
Happy Thursday!

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