Glitter Girls By Battat Arrive At The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Ever since I recently saw the Glitter Girls on American Girl Ideas YouTube I’ve wanted to buy one (or two) to check them out. She says on the video that they should be arriving at Target by early November but I’ve seen several postings in my Doll Groups on Facebook where people had found them in stores as long ago as a couple of weeks. So, naturally, every time I happened to be within a few minutes drive of a Target, I compulsively went in to see if they had any in. And nothing. For weeks. At multiple Targets. Even at Nothing. How annoying. (I know, first world problems but… still…. annoying…) Luckily, all my fruitless searching apparently triggered some manner of algorithm in my computer because suddenly last week I have a pop up saying “Looking for 14inch dolls?” with a picture of one of the Glitter Girls. What? It was a pop up from Amazon? As far as I knew, Glitter Girls, like Our Generation Dolls who are also produced by Battat, were to be exclusively sold at Target..? Right? Still, I clicked on the linky and low and behold…!! Amazon had all the Glitter Girls and all their adorable accessories right there, ready to buy whatever I wanted! Gadzooks! Lucky for me, my Birthday is coming and I had already received a bit of Birthday money and also luckily for me, the adorable Glitter Girls were only $19.99 each!! Sweet!! 

I had already decided which of the Glitter Girls I wanted first (most? LOL But honestly for $19.99, lets get real… I knew I’d get more than one…) should I happen to find them in the store. So, having the pick of any of them that I wanted, I naturally picked up my favorite two of the selection. 
Meet Fifer and Keltie. I am not sure if they will keep those names or not… Likely not… But as of now, they haven’t been re-named. I kind of like the unusualness of their names so who knows, maybe I’ll break with my usual tradition of re-naming them? What are your thoughts on this? Do you re-name your dolls that come with names? I don’t always… My Maplelea Dolls both kept their names for instance. They both came with a long book all about them and so it seemed wrong to re-name them. Anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it in comments if you have time.  
The most beautiful bit being that it’s Amazon and I am naturally a Prime member (we live in a small town and so like half our purchases are delivered from Amazon… I digress…) so not only was the entire selection available, shipping was free!! Woot! I should write an email to Battat to let them know if they put Our Generations on Amazon I’d never set another foot in a Target for the rest of my days… Teehee. They’ve never really been a favorite store, sort of a snobby Walmart with red everything instead of blue but not much else different… But I digress… Again… Since they are only $19.99 and I didn’t have to worry about shipping costs, I was able to get two dolls and an outfit with my Birthday money! Nice!! 

So here they are at Calla’s Diner with Adilyn. They are exactly the same size and will be able to share clothes pefectly!

Here they are later, after they’d changed clothes… They are hanging it the doll bedroom with Saige.

I think they are so pretty and well made! Well done Battat!

I am sure I will get more in the future although I probably have way too many dolls… They are just so adorable though and the price is lovely!!

Better run!
Have a great day!!

7 thoughts on “Glitter Girls By Battat Arrive At The Doll House!

  1. The Glitter Girls look too sad for me, so that's a great thing as I've run out of room! And I bought 2 more dolls this week. I posted about Spring Pearl, a 9\” doll on my blog, and will be posting about the New Girl today. But I do so love your photos, Heather!


  2. I bought Fifer when they first came out, but I renamed her Finn! Then when they came out with the new face sculpt, poseable dolls, I purchased Candice, renamed Margot. They're cute dolls, I use them as models for my etsy shop.


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