More eBay Clothes Steals! Leggings In The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As I have mentioned in a previous post or twice or maybe even three times… eBay can be a great source for inexpensive doll clothes if you know how to go about bidding on them… As I’ve mentioned before, the key is to bid on a ton of different auctions… I am going to be lazy and copy and paste how I go about it from a prior post. Teehee.
Well the trick is to play with your search engines… Enter in “18 inch doll clothes” or “American Girl Doll Clothes” then tweak your search to “Auction” only and “Lowest to Highest” for your sort. It should bring up a plethora of doll clothes starting at as low as a penny for the initial bid price. Then, the trick to winning them for the beginning price (or within a few pennies of it) is to go and bid on every single dress you like even if it’s six days out. Then… wait. It’s kind of like fishing. I generally bid on like 20-30 different dresses and end up with about five or six that make it through at the initial bid price. Now the caveat is that you could very well get ‘stuck’ with all the dresses you bid on… But honestly I wasn’t worried about it because for $1.00 each, I’ll buy all I can get. They’d make great gifts! So that’s it… That’s how you get doll clothes on eBay for next to nothing. 

So recently I caught the eBay bug because there were seemingly new items being offered that weren’t available a couple of years ago, the last time I went ‘fishing’ for good deals on eBay… Here is an example of what I got and how much I paid:

As you can see, I was willing to go a bit over $1.00 on a couple of items. But check out the leggings I got for 20cents!!! And the PJs for 61cents!! Isn’t that amazing!!?
The PJ’s are adorable too! Here is Handra in them from a prior post… They really are pretty good quality considering how much I paid!

I got a bit of an assortment of things in this first ‘wave’ of auctions won. I wanted to check out the quality of each ‘type’ of item before I went all in. I was pleased with most of it but what really made me smile were the leggings!! They were so cute!! Notice how much I got them for! As little as 20cents! Shipped! It almost feels like I am getting away with robbery… But it’s there for sale and I am just buying it. Right?
So after getting the first few shipped less than the price of a postage stamp, I went a bit crazy and bid on a ton of them… And I waited. 

And as you can see, my fishing paid off. I got so many cute ones for nearly nothing. I need to go ‘fishing’ again soon…. These would make amazing gifts!!!
I really do think they are great. So… You say ‘Auctions are not my thing… I prefer to just buy things without all the hassle…” Well, if you don’t mind paying a bit more, you can find them on BuyItNow if you know how to tweak your searches for what you’re looking for. Notice how many of the descriptions say “n135” or “N621” (see below) in their descriptions? Well, when you see a pattern of leggings you like, look for that number in it’s description. Then, put that number along with American Girl into the search engine and bam! Up comes probably ten of that same item for sale… And usually a few of them will be BuyItNow. 

The ones above were all found that way, with their item number in the search. I really liked the pattern on them and so I wanted a ‘sure thing’… And also examples of two different ways to get good deals on Dolly Clothes on eBay. Maybe you already knew how to do all this but… I’ve talked to several people who are often shocked when I tell them how little I pay for certain doll clothes and so maybe it’s not as common knowledge as it should be. Teehee. I am here to educate doll lovers everywhere how to outfit their dollies in style on a budget! Haha. 
I really loved how some of the leggings paired up with the upcycled baby onesies I made recently… So, the oufit that Eunju is wearing (above left) cost a total of 45cents. I got the baby onesie at a Garage Sale this summer for a quarter and the leggings were 20cents. Awesomeness, eh?!

You may have noticed a couple of the pairs of leggings when Frann and Heather Doll went to the park if you saw the video on YouTube. I got the first pair for 46cents and then went and found a buy it now for the second… I knew they’d be adorable with the tops I got from American Girl recently. So each of these outfits were like $5! I love it.

The only caveat about these great eBay deals is you need to give them a few weeks to arrive… So if you’re looking to give some away for Christmas, you’ll want to order them soon so they’ll be sure and be here in time!

Better run!

2 thoughts on “More eBay Clothes Steals! Leggings In The Doll House!

  1. Wowzers!!!! Heather, those prices are fantastic. I never knew there were things that low on eBay. However, I did try bidding on a lovely Spring Pearl AG 9\” doll recently; I simply bid what I'd be willing to pay and I forgot about the auction, and I won! I was thrilled. I was the only one who had bid. I was very happy indeed. Your dollies always look sooooo cute.


  2. Heather, I never thought of looking for doll clothes on ebay. Why not, right? I hope I win the little dress for my daughter's Wellie Wisher doll. I'm up to .25!


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