Doll Clothes Upcycles From The Sewing Machine

Hi Doll Friends!!
I just found this post in my drafts.. I guess I forgot to ever come finish it. I am not sure if I’ve told the story about why I started this little doll blog recently or at all? One of the big reasons is that in late 2013, the year my dear daughter was at the height of her American Girl Doll love. At the time though, I was still a stay at home Mom. So suffice to say that funds were a bit tighter back then. So I set out to find a way to dress my daughters dollies in style without breaking the bank. That’s when I discovered the idea of upcycling doll clothes from baby and childrens clothes. I have made them off and on since then… Sewing is just one small aspect of my doll hobby and I only have so much time so I ususually go through a huge sewing jag and then don’t touch a needle for six months or more. Haha. Recently I was inspired by some upcycling I saw on a Doll Group on Facebook. So I pulled out my rather huge bag of ‘items to be upcycled’ and set to work. Before I knew it, I had an entire Fashion Show of Upcycled Doll Clothes

So this is a post to show you a bit of the ‘behind the scenes’ in creating the items… I won’t likely go in to a step by step procedure because I’ve explained how to do it in my prior posts so if you have any questions at all, just holler!

One of my favorite recently made items was made from a ‘Childs Place’ skort in size 5/6girls. It made two dresses actually… One for the AG or OG type of doll and one for the JG type (Slimmer). I love the bright colors!
Here is Hemalayaa modeling it. Isn’t she pretty! I love how it came together with the jeans jacket.
I made this one over into a twinsey skirt to this one  I made a long time ago…. Again I was able to make two… Although one of them was for the smaller 14 inch dolls like Heart For Hearts

Another skirt made over into a doll skirt. I love the Hello Kitty motif!

This wild child dress made me smile…. I was pretty easy to make over…

See it modeled below by Leanne Doll? It’s so perfect for her! 

This skirt was also enough to make two dresses… One for AG or OG type of doll and one for JG type. 

Here are Emily Anne and Sharon modeling the two dresses I made out of it. (Saila is in the middle modeling another upcycled skirt…)

So, if you need clothes for your dollies and are on a budget, run by a local thrift store and see if you can find a few cute kids clothes to make over. Or ask around! A lot of people have them stashed in some plastic bin in their garage awaiting a garage sale… Ask on your Facebook and I bet you’ll have a few people say they’d let you come take a look and buy a few? Newborn baby clothes are usually always in good shape because they only wear them for like a week. Haha.

Better run!

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