YouTube Videos From The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Sweet Doll Friends!
Happy Tuesday!! I don’t know about your neck of the woods but where I live, Tuesday’s are kind of considered Movie Day. Most of the people I know, if they are going to go to a movie, especially with the family, they go on Tuesdays. Why? Because Tuesdays are $5 at AMC Theaters and that is just too good a deal to go any other day of the week. So I figured today would be a good day to come and update you on the ‘movies’ from the Doll House. I think I’ve mentioned them in a few random posts here and there if I happened to have the corresponding YouTube video posted about the post I happened to be working on… But mostly I’ve, I suppose, kept them kind of separate. So unless you’ve read this blog a while and saw the post about my launching the PCR American Doll YouTube Channel, you might not even know they are there! So, I figured I’d come by here and tell you about the latest posts. I am just going to post a linky beneath each ‘title’ and you can view the ones you’re interested in. None of the videos have ‘speaking’, they are mostly just like ‘silent movies’ in the old days where it was a story told in photos. So go give them a gander if you’re so inclined. I really like watching them myself on our large 52inch (? I think?) TV because it’s like seeing them larger than life! The internet is so cool. Eh? So without further adieu, here they are:

That’s not all of them obviously but that’s a sampling of the most recent. So check them out if you’re so inclined. I’ve had one viewer tell me that she sometimes goes to my channel and starts the most recently uploaded video and then just lets them all ‘autoplay’ like a screen saver. That made my day! Anyway, better run! 
Have a fantastic day!

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