Our Generation Summer Clothes Sets!!

Hi There Doll Friends!!
As you may know if you read this blog regularly, I recently had a birthday… So I had a few of my favorite people in the world spoil me with some pretty amazing gifts! One of the gifts I got was from my sweet and generous sister friend Frann. She gave me the gift of a shopping spree to buy ‘Twinsies Outfits’ for our dolls. Since we live so far away, one of the fun things we like to do is dress the Twinsie Dolls we have in twinsie outfits. It’s like playing dolls together even though we are half a world away. I love it. 
So her idea was to have me pick out some doll outfits & accessories for us as twinsies because she doesn’t have quite the same selection in Korea as we do here in the states. She sent me a very generous ‘gift card’ to do the shopping with. Well, being me, I wanted the money to stretch over as many outfits and accessories as possible. So I started poking around to see what was on sale at the various places that sell such things. Low and behold what did I find at Target that day but a 24hour long sale of 25% off all the toys on top of the already on sale price!! What!? It was like winning the lottery! I was able to get us ever so many twinsie outfits for really good deals. It was some of the most fun I’ve had in a while! So thank you thank you thank you Frann!! 

Here are some photos of my ‘half’ of the twinsie outfits, all in their boxes as they shipped to me:

(The four boxes with the Target tape, the long boxes on the behind them are some blinds that got delivered same day. Sure the mail people love us. Teehee….)
Then this is all of them combined into one box… I think they ship them from different stores or something and so some of the boxes only had one or two items in them. I sent Frann a few of my favorite OG outfits that I already owned (like the Little Miss Dahling Outfit and the Cupcake Cutie Outfit) so we’d have twinsies on those but otherwise we got all the same stuff. SO much FUN! I have gotten nearly all the boxes opened and dolls dressed in them but haven’t managed to get them all photographed yet. I did use a few of the outfits in my Thanksgiving Post  where Heather, Frann and Lilly doll all wore an outfit from the collection. When they came in time for them to wear them for the fancy Thanksgiving feast, I knew I had to have them do so!! They looked so cute!! Here is a couple of photos in case you don’t feel like clicking linky to the other post. 
Lilly Doll is wearing the Fashion Overall Outfit, Heather Doll is wearing Pretty Groovy outfit and Frann is modeling the Flower Power outfit. Don’t they all look adorable!?

The other day it was very sunny out, especially considering it was late November… So I took advantage of the great light and took a few of the dolls I had dressed in the outfits out for some photos outside. 

Here is Angela Doll wearing the Summer Market outfit but I forgot to bring the little bag and sunglasses outside with me. She is so beautiful and the outfit looks so amazing on her!

Next we have Carlene Doll modeling rhe Dance Party Outfit! Isn’t it absolutely adorable!??! It even came with a little record!

Next we have Diane Doll modeling another retro outfit (I love the retro ones for some reason!). This one is called Polka Dot Skirt outfit.

Lastly for this post I have Francis Doll wearing the adorable Summer Camp Outfit. I love the shoes and the socks and the little lip gloss that she wears around her neck. So adorable!

I’ll be back soon with another posting of the rest of the Twinsies Outfits I found for our dolls. Again, Thanks so much Frann!! I’ll have to post some of the photos of your dollies wearing same outfits soon! It is so much fun having twinsie dolls with my cherished sister friend! 
Have a great day Doll Friends!

2 thoughts on “Our Generation Summer Clothes Sets!!

  1. Thank you so much for sharing twinny outfits! They are gorgeous and well made. I have one more happiness to open the boxes one by one at night, which is so much fun. I have a few boxes left to wait for me to open.


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