Madame Alexander Pink Snowflake Kelly 20 Inch Doll Goodwill Find!

Hi Doll Friends!!
Sometimes a doll ‘finds me’ when I am not even looking for her. Case in point? This adorable 20inch Madame Alexander Pink Snowflake Kelly I found at Goodwill last week for $5.00. I didn’t even know such a doll existed but once I saw her, I picked her up and just couldn’t make myself put her back down. 

This is her in a blue dress I bought for my daughter when she first got into 18inch dolls in 2013ish. I think it is such a cute dress and looks adorable on her. She is also sporting a new wig….
This is what she looked like at the store. Her outfit was complete but quite dirty… I suspect she was displayed by a collector but also played with a time or two. She was so adorable even looking a bit dirty and with a dried out tangly looking wig. 
As I carried her around trying to talk myself out of buying her (“You have enough dolls Heather, you don’t need any more….” etc) I saw other things that were cute, like this rocking chair… I didn’t buy it though, are you proud of my restraint? It was only $3.99! So hard to leave stuff like that at store but I only have so much room in the Doll House

I also saw and Our Generation doll that I didn’t buy but while I wasn’t sure if I was going to buy the Kelly doll, I was considering just taking photos for the blog and telling ya’ll about her and not buying her… So I took this photo by the OG I saw so you’d have been able to see the size difference. 

But I just couldn’t get over her adorable face!! Madame Alexanders have a special place in my heart because Calla, my daughters very first 18inch doll, is a Madame Alexander. Then Heather Doll is also a Madame Alexander too… So, I obviously love the brand. 

There were also these three baby Madame Alexander dolls in the same spot I found Kelly in. I only remembered to take a photo for ya’ll at the last moment when I finally decided to buy Kelly and get going… They were cute but luckily for my house, I don’t collect baby dolls too other than baby siblings for my 14-20inch dolls

So I brought her home, cleaned her up, removed her dingy dry wig and… Tried on a few wigs…

Ultimately I decided on this one. I think it looks similar enough to her orignal style but also bright and shiny and pretty. 

Isn’t she pretty?! Had you ever heard of this kind of doll before? Let me know in comments!

Better run! 
Till next time!

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