Style Girls At Tuesday Morning Store!!

Greetings Doll Friends!!

As you may recall if you’re a regular reader (and if you are, thanks for that! 😍) I recently went through a bit of a 14inch doll buying frenzy… The Glitter Girls and Wellie Wishers are just such cute little sisters for the 18inch dolls that it’s just hard not to want a lot of them since, well, I have a lot of 18inch dolls. Teehee… So then I also found the Style Girls 14inch dolls at Big Lots. I got one and made her over with a rainbow wig. I guess I thought that Big Lots were likely the only place they’d be sold… Until my daughter and I stopped in to Tuesday Morning last week and low and behold but what did I see?

Style Girls “Style Dreamers” 14inch Dolls!! 
So totally adorable!
(Don’t mind my feet in the photo. And yes, I love wacky socks.) 

Here’s the one I purchased from Big Lots although mine had a different outfit on. I think I like this outfit better actually although I love the unicorn top that mine came with. 

They had all three of the dolls in the line… Only one of each of them as is sort of the nature of Tuesday Morning stores. They are kind of like TJ Maxx and sell a smattering of what I imagine are ‘overruns’ of all manner of things… But I could be wrong about their sourcing? In any case, they carry all manner of posh brands in all kind of catagories. Neat store all around. It was my Mom’s favorite so I can’t help but love them too. Every time I go in there I feel almost like I am stepping back in time and shopping with my Mom… So you may understand why I love the store. Not to mention they have coffee syrups of all flavors for half the price of other stores! Hahaha.

They had 18inch sized doll outfits! They were $6.99 which is reasonable since they all appear to come with a bag or other accessory and footware. I have to say I think the quality is about the same as My Life As doll clothes from Walmart and they are $3 cheaper so… Not a bad deal. I recently got a lot of doll clothes and so I wasn’t really tempted by them…

Although this butterfly jacket is totes adorbs!

Oh, ok, they were all pretty cute…

Sorry for the ‘glare’ on photos… I know it’s hard to see the outfits. So I took a photo of the back of the box so you can see more what they look like. 

Then I saw they also had outfits for the 14 inch dolls! What?! How awesome!

I was a bit tempted by these, I won’t lie… Especially the nightgown one with the sleeping bag included! But… As I mentioned, I’ve gotten a lot of doll clothes recently and so honestly don’t need any more any time soon… (Need, such a relative term! Ha. Right?)

But I loved the boots in this one that I waffled back and forth as to if I’d buy it for at least 10 mins as I walked around with it in my cart browsing the rest of the store….

Here are the outfits in the 14inch doll line.

Aaaaaaaaaand…… They happened to have 20% off of the toys that day…. Which made this little beauty only $12.00. How could I NOT? Right?

So stay tuned for more photos of the sweet doll in upcoming posts! 
Better run!

2 thoughts on “Style Girls At Tuesday Morning Store!!

  1. I have the same two 14 inch style girl dolls which I got from Big Lots. I never found the one with the bangs. I have to agree that I like the outfits better on the ones from Tuesday Morning.


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