Bitty Baby Find At Goodwill

Hi Doll Friends!

I don’t even know why I even….? But I did…. I found this Bitty Baby at Goodwill and she was only 99cents ya’ll!! How could I leave her there? So I bought her. 

My thought was that I bring her home and clean her up and maybe sell her on eBay. We will see if that happens… Hahaha. I don’t really want a baby doll in my collection though so I’ll have to follow through.

Isn’t she cute?

In pretty great shape too… Just a bit dirty on her hands and feet (she came wearing a sleeper that kept her pretty clean).

So I’ll have to get her cleaned up and force myself to follow through on trying to sell her. If I make a few bucks I can always buy my dollies something with the proceeds, right? 
Have a great weekend!

2 thoughts on “Bitty Baby Find At Goodwill

  1. I have two Bitty Babies that I bought to resell, and they're still here. I need to get around to listing them, should have done it before it got this close to the holiday. Oh, well.I enjoy your blog a lot. I even bought one of those ATM banks at Goodwill because I remembered your post about yours. 😀


  2. She's so cute! Yes, clean her up and sell her. She should sell well. I paid $30 US for mine, but she came in her original box, and she is really nice. I bought her at a doll show in the USA a few years ago. I always meant to sew her a wardrobe but it hasn't happened yet!


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