Tannenbaum, Oh Tannenbaum… How Lovely Are Thy Branches…

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!

Can you believe it’s only a week and two days until Christmas?! I sure can’t. This December is going by so quickly! This past week a few of the dolls decided it was time to decorate the tree…

Armelle was so happy to get to help decorate the Christmas tree! She’d seen the fancy trees at the Tuesday Morning store from the window of her box…

Here she is with Noel-Samantha (who’s wearing a new Sophia’s Doll Clothes outfit I got recently on Amazon that is super cute!)

Here are Abrianna and Tanya, who are both also newcomers to the Doll House. They asked the other residents if they would mind if they helped decorate the tree and it was unanimous that they should do whatever made them feel at home. They are both also wearing new Sophia Doll Clothes fashions I got recently… I am working on that blog post but you’re getting a sneak peek! 

Part way through decorating Abrianna asked if they could turn of the light in the room and decorate the rest by the light from the tree…? What a great idea! It made it feel much more magical…!

Soon enough they were all done! Isn’t the tree beautiful!

I think Christmas Tree’s are one of the most beautiful things… Don’t you?

I also think this little sweetheart is adorable! So glad I got her. 

The girls thought it looked so pretty that they just had to stand for a moment and gaze at it. If you were a reader at Christmas last year, you may notice that this year I have a different Christmas tree.
Well, I found this modern ‘blue’ tree on clearance at the end of the season last year and just couldn’t help myself. It was only $2.50 and was so pretty! I even got the tree skirt to match. So I’ve decided to alternate… Next year will be the traditional tree and the following this one again and so on. I thought about setting up both of them as you may notice this one is set up in Frann’s Penthouse Apartment.  I decided that it was too big for Frann’s place though and have since moved it to the living room of the doll house. The dolls are going to get busy decorating the rest of the Doll House later today because Christmas is a week from Monday!! Where has 2017 gone?!
Better run!


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