Girl & Company Twin Dolls Gift For 100K Celebration From Frann!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!

As you may recall if you are a regular reader here, this little blog just hit 100K views recently… Well my sister friend Frann, who is the real person behind my beloved doppelganger doll Frann, wanted to celebrate the milestone! She is a huge part of the reason I’ve had so much fun writing this blog since we met and became great friends… It’s like getting to sit down with Frann for coffee and doll chats every time I write it. So I kind of consider her a co-writer even because we have so many twin dolls together and she writes about some of the same things I do on her own blog. So to celebrate, she said she wanted to buy us another twinsy doll for us to share! Isn’t she the sweetest sister friend a doll loving gal can have? So… I told her I thought a Girl & Company doll would be a great one to get and she agreed. So guess who arrived yesterday after getting snagged up and lost in the mail for like a week…? Christmas time can certainly snag up parcels sometimes, right? But the owner of the company was super nice and communicative. She even offered to send two more dolls if I was in a particular time crunch but I wasn’t in a huge hurry and so it was actually kind of fun just watching for them to arrive…. I’ve wanted one of these dolls ever since I saw one because I am telling you, she looks exactly like my daughters life long best friend Lorilai. So… Despite her being named Cara from the company, Lorilai will be her name in the Doll House! So… Meet Lorilai!

As you can see, she arrives in her very own carrying bag instead of a box. How utterly clever!! I wish more doll companies would do this… So it’ll be nice to have an additional doll bag for when the dolls go out on adventures. You can find the Girl and Co website here. I am going to have to make this a mainly photo review for now because I am short on time but suffice to say I am really impressed with this sweet doll!! She’s made really well and is so pretty! Her body type reminds me of Journey Girl dolls a bit in that she has a soft body but a chest plate down to her mid chest… Her dress is top notch and so cute as are her shoes. Her hair is super soft and there is lots of it. I love her! Here are the photos I took of her yesterday… I am forwarding Frann’s doll on to her in the next day or two. How fun to have another twinsy doll! Also, I’ve never been one to want to re-invent the wheel and American Girl Ideas did a great review of her which is where I heard of this sweet doll in the first place. So check out their review for more details until I get back to tell you more!

I put a jacket on her before I took her outside for photos. It’s kind of chilly in Nebraska!

I love love love her! So pretty!   

She jumped right into doing some modeling for me of some Sophia’s Doll Clothes sets I am working on getting photo’s of so I can tell you about them… Isn’t she cute? 
Have to run! Never enough time for Dolling! Haha!
Have a great Tuesday!

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