Bumbleberry Girls 14 inch Dolls By Lotus!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Recently I’ve been on a bit of a 14inch doll kick… Since American Girl released Wellie Wishers, other doll manufacturers have decided to get in on the market too. I heard that Lotus, one of my favorite doll manufacturers came out with one… But I’d never seen it in person? 
So when I saw the Lotus Dolls at TJ Max last week I looked very carefully and, low and behold, there was only one but… I found one!! She was literally the only one there and I didn’t even pause, I bought her. She was $16.99. 
She is so cute! She is built more like a Battat Little Friends than Wellie Wishers and Glitter Girls because they have a soft torso. More on her soon in an upcoming post!
Have a great day!


UPDATE April 9, 2018:

Hi Doll Friends!

I just realized I never really did a full review of this doll to show you what she’s like… I just got a new Bumbleberry Doll so I’ll do one sometime soon. Wanted to update this post to say that this little lady was named Juliessa after a young woman I know in my real life. Isn’t it a beautiful name?


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