Recent Goodwill Sights and Our Generation Finds!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I haven’t posted a ‘thrift store sightings’ in a while… I’ve been trying not to go quite as often so I don’t end up having to buy a new house in order to store my dolls. Haha. So the following are the items I saw and left right there for someone else to find as their treasures. 
This doll stayed there. 

This wheelburrow stayed there. Cute though right?

This cute Disney Princess and Me doll stayed there. I used to have several of them in my collection but they are currently in a box in my basement slated to be gotten rid of. They are pretty but despite being 18inch dolls, they are much slimmer and so it’s one more kind of doll clothes and… Well.. You know. The desk stayed too! That was kind of hard because it’s cute… But I have three student desks! 
More Our generation gals… I nearly bought the one on the right for her cute dress but talked myself out of it because I’ve gotten a ton of doll clothes recently.
This gal isn’t my ‘type’ of doll but she was too pretty not to take a photo of so I could show ya’ll. Such a beautiful face!

Oh, this bed was so cute!! I put it in my cart for a few minutes even. But I have like seven beds including my bunk beds and so…. I left it there. But I did buy a few things… Teehee…
I bought this Our Generation Amya because I had her on my wish list for quite some time as a new doll… I love her white hair with turquoise highlights! She was only $1.99. Sadly, after getting her home, I realized that she’d been poorly treated and like half her hair had been pulled out. Rats. Her hair was the whole reason I liked her…

Then I found these two. I cleaned up the Madame Alexander doll and sent her on to Frann. I stole the outfit off the Our Generation doll because it’s so cute. I re-donated the doll… (I know… How horrible to steal her clothes and take her back…. But I have so many dolls!!)

The very next week after I found the first Amya with most of her hair pulled out who did I happen to find again?

This one’s hair was still in its original bands and so after I combed it out, it’s perfect! She’s nearly new! So I donated the other Amya back to Goodwill. 

See? Her original hair band was still attached! Crazy! Only $1.99! Score!

Maybe you noticed her already? She did some modeling in this post about my last drawing.
She’s so pretty! 

Better run!

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