Mei Mei 18inch Doll From Amazon Joins The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Recently, when I was shopping at Amazon, I had a ‘product suggestion’ of a doll I’d never heard of before?! MeiMei Dolls makes an 18inch doll line with four girls in the line that range from $55-58 in addition to many other dolls apparently. I don’t know if I just somehow missed them until now or if they only recently started selling on Amazon? In any case, I happened to have some Christmas money (hence my being on Amazon and shopping that day in the first place) and so the only problem I had was picking which of the four I wanted?! They are all so pretty! You’ve already seen her, actually, if you saw my New Years Post because she was in the photos there. 
When she arrived I was really impressed! The box is a sturdy heirloom quality box! This is a box you could store a doll in for years and she’d be safe and sound! 

Inside the box was some beautiful liner paper with the MeiMei butterfly on it. Nice touch!

When you open the paper you’ll find you sweet doll. Mine was winking at me! 

Each of the dolls comes with a second outfit and the first thing I noticed was how completely gorgeous the dress the Party Girl Doll came with! So pretty!!

The meet outfit she comes with is great too! The shoes are adorable and the little polka dot skirt and white tshirt combo are simple but cute. As you can see she was held in the box with little white ribbons printed with MeiMe. Classy!! No zip ties here, just soft ribbons. Well done MeiMei dolls!

Here she is in the New Years photo! I haven’t decided what I am going to name her yet. I plan to do a more proper review of her because her body type is different than American Girl, Our Generation and Journey Girls in that her whole body is plastic. Her hair is rooted and rather thick and soft. If I had to choose one word to describe her I think I would use “sturdy’ because she has a very nice weight to her and feels like she’d be very hard to break. Interestingly enough, if she did have an arm or leg pop out, it says right in her description on Amazon that it’s a quick fix. (I thought it was interesting they posted the photo…! I almost wondered if she was a ‘kit’ since they did but was glad to find that it was just informational in case she had an accident. So, I’ll be back as soon as I can to show you comparison photos of her body compared to AG and OG etc. I am sure she will be in lots of photos going forward and will be one of my favorites! Then again, aren’t all my dolls my favorites? Hahaha. I just love them. I can’t help it. 
Better run! Till Next Time!


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