Our Generation Picnic Table Set and Lotus Beverly Hills Beach Set!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Oh. Doll. Friends!!
I know it’s likely silly but I feel like I am so behind in my doll blog…! So behind what? By who’s measure? My own constant inner ‘critic’ I suppose but ‘she’ sure can be relentless. I suppose it’s just because I am always so excited to come and show you the ‘latest’ from the Doll House and a combo of two things happened. 1) My birthday is in November followed quickly by Christmas and I also hit 100K during that time… So… Had a bit of a massive windfall of new dolly items hit the Doll House. (Not complaining at all just justifying the gluttony more than anything… LOL) and 2) December is such a busy month with Christmas and then my daughters Birthday quickly on it’s heels and then New Year… I am sure you understand that part! I suppose if I am really honest I’ll add a 3) this time of year always pulls me into a bit of a slump. Not to get into a totally different subject but I happen to live with a bonafide diagnosed mood disorder, specifically the bipolar variety with a side order of PTSD. I don’t know that I’ve ever mentioned it here in my little Doll World but I am pretty candid about it with people in my ‘real’ life because I believe that is the only way to reduce the stigma of said mood disorders. So… Sometimes the winter months make me want to crawl off into a cave and hybernate like the bears. It just wears me out and wears me down… The good news being that through lots and lots of Jesus and quite a bit of yoga and a life long won network of wonderful and supportive people, I am really healthy and mostly consider myself in ‘remission’. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that this time of year is harder than the rest. I mention it here so perhaps you’ll understand why there might not be quite as many posts this time of year. I do try but… Like I say… It wears me out and wears me down. If you’re the praying sort, I’d love to have you pray for continued peace and healing on that score. Now… Back to the dolls!!
So as part of my rather ridiculously large windfall of doll items on my birthday this year are two really nifty sets… They are going to be so much fun to include in Doll Photos!!
I’ve always admired all the food accessories in this Our Generation PicNic Table Set! The salad alone made me want it but… The cutting board! The cucumbers!! The watermelon slices!! Oh, ALL of it is so cute!! But… It’s like $50 and I am much to cheap to buy it for myself… But… My husband wasn’t!! God bless him. 

These pictures don’t really tell the story of how HUGE this box is. But, trust me, it’s ginormous!

I did get started on taking photos of both sets… But then something came up that day (???) that I had to pack it all up and away and… I’ve never gotten back to it. But you can see a lot of the accessories in these few photos. I took them right around the time I got my Bumbleberry Girl Tatum because you can see she’s in this photo along with Frann and Cat. 
Here is the Lotus Beverly Hills Beach Set. I got it on Amazon with some Birthday money.

I had one of my dolls dressed in the swimsuit that came with the beach set but then… Like I say… I got pulled away and she’s still wearing the swimsuit on the doll shelf… Probably freezing! Poor dear! Haha!
When I got the picnic set, as I was unpacking it, my dear daughter actually showed an interest in it! Whenever that happens it’s so much fun, like traveling back in time. She’s a teen now and those moments are pretty few and far between. But when I was unpacking it all so I could take photos, she asked if she could set all the foods up on the picnic table. Of course you can!! So, here is what she set up. It’s good she did it honestly because I don’t know if I’ll ever sort out the items that specifically came with this set again to be honest. They’ll probably get all mixed in with all my other dolly food and… well… Like I say, it’s good she set it up to show you the details. 

Isn’t it all so cute?? I love that there are so many great doll items now! I am so looking foward to warmer weather with more sun so I can take proper photos of the Dollies with these fun sets!
Better run!


2 thoughts on “Our Generation Picnic Table Set and Lotus Beverly Hills Beach Set!!

  1. Wow, that picnic set is amazing! Love it! I'm having problems storing all my stuff, so I'm trying to organize everything. That's my 2018 goal and it will probably take me months to do. I hope you will be OK with your mood thingy. That couldn't be fun at all. I get lots of migraines (esp the last 2 years) and it throws me into a depressed place which isn't nice at all. So I guess we should definitely pray for one another, as by God's grace we will get through.


  2. Prayers to you and your family.It seems to me you post quite regularly. I enjoy reading your blog and finding out all the doll information you share. Your love and passion for dolls shines through!You make being grown and loving dolls seem not so awkward. Like it's ok to do both/all-Be grown love dolls, family, husband, children and Jesus. Thanks!Keep shining!


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