More FunDeco Doll Backgrounds From Amazon!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Freinds!!
As you may remember if you read this blog regularly, I recently got some really amazing Doll Backgrounds from Amazon made by a company called FunDeco. I love them and have been chomping at the bit to use them some more in doll scenes going forward. My husband, clever and loving man that he is, noticed how well I liked them and that the company made another set of them. So… Low and behold what did I have show up on my doorstep not too long later… The second set!! 

This set, instead of ‘outdoor’ scenes, mostly has ‘indoor’ scenes. Other than one of the four… One of them is this ‘outside the house’ scene which is likely one of my favorites. I’ve always wanted to have an ‘outside door’ for the Doll House and now I have one!! 

Isn’t it awesome? Here is my new MeiMei Doll modeling the scene. I used the grass panels I got off eBay to make the ‘ground’. Doesn’t it look so real? 

Here are Nanea and my MeiMei (I don’t know what I am going to call her yet… I’ve been calling her MeiMei and that might just stick?) 

Here is second scene. I just set it on my regular carpet and it looks so real!

Here it is with furniture in it. I think the only ‘drawback’ of the scenes or ‘rooms’ is that they are a bit small when it comes to adding much furniture. Then again, not every doll collector has like three Doll Houses worth of funiture so…. By just adding the chair and table and lamp and plant though it looks so awesomely real. Doll photos are going to be so much fun! I also love that I’ll be able to set up rooms that are different than the regular Doll House rooms because it’ll be like have loads of different venues I can take the dolls to. How fun!!

Here is the next one… I love the red!! It’s not something I’d likely choose if I could only choose one wall backdrop but since the set includes four it’s awesome to have one ‘bold’ colored room. It will make a fun ‘study’ or ‘library’ in photos, right? 

Here is same room with furniture. I used same furniture to make it a good comparison shot. 

Here is the last room. I changed from the green chair to my pink couch because it matched the wallpaper better. I love the sweet light in this fireplace room. It is amazing how different they all look from one another isn’t it! 

You may have already noticed this background in my Happy New Year post! I got them just a day or two before then and so had to use them!

So I think these sets are going to be amazing. I actually wrote the owner of the company that makes them to tell them about my first review and that I loved their products. They said that if I have any ideas of other backdrops I’d like to see that I should let them know… I need to write them back! (Never enough time!) I’d love to see a forest without a tent and just a plain ‘grass and blue sky’ background and maybe a shopping center/store and school or classroom and a gymnasium and and and… There are so many ideas! Which did I forget or didn’t think of would you like to see? Let me know in comments and I’ll pass the information on! I am sure any that they do make will be a great success and that I’ll likely buy them. Haha. They store so compactly and are pretty affordable so why not?! Great product FunDeco!! Well done!
Better run!

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