Small People By Cecily Doll Find At Thrift Store!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Happy Sunday! As is my normal routine, on Friday mornings after my Bible Study with my good friend, I stop in to the local thrift store in my town. When I stopped in on Friday, I noticed they had some little dolls in the showcase. Interesting! You know me, I can’t not at least take a look at dolls of just about any sort. When I took a closer look at these, something about them just caught me…
I decided I couldn’t leave them there. They were just too cute and original! I mean, they were literally made by hand by the original artist as best as I can tell. They were marked $3.00 each and to me that felt more than fair. I only had a $10 bill in my pocket and so I made myself pick my favorite three. There was only one other one and I am so annoyed at myself that I forgot to take a photo of it in the store. Rats. Perhaps he will still be there on Monday afternoon when they open again and I can either photograph him or bring him home one or the other. Teehee. In the meantime, who did come home with me? 

These three sweet ginger dolls! A clown, a little school boy and a jump-roping girl. Aren’t the adorable. I love that they have little doll stands even. 

I am not normally a fan of clowns, they generally kind of creep me out… But this little clown just looked sweet to me and not creepy at all. Perhaps it’s because she looked more like a pierrot than a gaudy circus clown. So, surprising even myself, she was the first I chose. 

I don’t know why but something about the sweet details and orignality of them made me fall right in love with them. 

As you can see, they are marked on the bottom of their feet with the signature of the artist and the date they were made. This little pierrot clown was made in 1984. I am not sure if it means that it’s Jan 9, 1984 or if she stopped putting the month on the feet by then? 

They all had their original tags on them which all read “Small People By Cecily” on one side. I tried to find some information about these dolls but didn’t come up with much other than images of them on Google related mostly to eBay and Etsy listings of them for sale. 

And “I am a unique invidual hand made with tender loving care. My left foot bears Cecily’s signature and the date of my birth.” Isn’t that sweet?!

Next I chose this sweet little jump roping girl. 

Such a sweet little face!! I apparently forgot to photograph her signature. She was made in October of 1981. 

Then I chose what looked like her twin brother, this little school boy.

He was born in October of 1981 as you can see. 

I decided it would make a good photo shoot to imagine Frann and Heather Doll ‘shopping’ at a Doll Shoppe and picking out one of the dolls for themselves… 

Frann Doll chose the jump roping girl.

And Heather Doll chose the pierrot doll!

Getting new dolls is so much fun, even when you’re a doll yourself. Right? 
So I imagine I’ll find some special place in the Doll House to display these cute little dolls… Perhaps in the doll bedrooms. Doll storage, always a bit of a conundrum even when you’re a doll. Hahaha!
Better run if I am gonna make it to church on time. Have a wonderful Sunday yourself!

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