Madame Alexander Doll Collection… So Far… Updated

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
This weekend I got a lovely letter from a reader which is always a lovely surprise… So thank you dear reader for the wonderful letter!! She asked me to keep her particulars private and so that is all I’ll say about the sweet letter… Other than to talk about the Madame Alexander doll information she provided me and a request she made… Which was to ask if I could do an updated of my Madame Alexander collection post. What a great idea… A lot has changed since that post!
Here are Calla and Shuri! They are the very first 18inch dolls my daughter ever got and so are very precious to me. Since she was only four years old when they arrived, they were very ‘well loved’ and so I have, since the last post about my collection of Madame Alexander dolls, given them both new wigs. I love love love the way they both came out! I am going to try and list all the dolls in the order they arrived here at the Doll House. 

Calla Doll was the very first of the 18inch dolls in our house. 

Then came Shuri Doll. 

Mary got a make-over into Chroma for a few weeks once but… Ultimately I decided she looked better with natural colored hair and changed her again. So I’ve gone back to calling her Mary Doll again. 

This is Heather Doll. 
Here is Nicky Doll. 

And here is Myfanwy Doll. 

A second Mary Doll.

Here is Alycia Doll. 

This is Jaxcine Doll. 

Here is Hadessah Doll. I’ve only recently named her so I think this is the first time I’ve announced her name here on the blog. 

I better run!! I hope this finds you having a great day!! Thanks dear reader for the sweet email!!


8 thoughts on “Madame Alexander Doll Collection… So Far… Updated

  1. Lovely girls! Funny about your doll named Hadessah, that was my paternal grandmother's name. I've never seen it anywhere else, so was pleasantly surprised to see you named a doll that. I learned the name is the Hebrew name for Esther, in the Bible.Anyway, I enjoy your blog a lot, and you've enabled me to buying stuff for my larger dolls. I even got one of those ATM banks when I came across one in a Goodwill. 🙂


  2. I am dying to know–did you cut and style Calla's wig yourself? Or did it come that way? If it did, who made it? I really love those cute little real girl styles. Your blog is so much fun!


  3. Hi D.H.!! She is a doll I customized! She was my daughters first 18inch doll that she got when she was four and, well, lets just say her hair was a bit of a mess… So I rewigged her with a Nellie wig from eBay. You can often get them for less than $10 on eBay and so I have a few other dolls wearing the Nellie wig too. LOL. I tend to like dolls with shorter hair cuts like shoulder length or shorter, because it's so much easier to take care of. I'd post a link to an eBay auction of the Nellie wig by my computer is being a pain this morning and not loading pages properly? So, I'll hope this reply posts!! Thanks for saying you enjoy by blog! That's what makes it so much fun to write, connecting with Doll Friends who love dolls like I do! Have a great day! ❤


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