Jupiter 18inch Doll House Arrived From Sam’s Club!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
I mentioned recently that I found a Jupiter Wooden Doll House on clearance at Sam’s Club for only $16.51 and like $6 shipping… Well, it arrived on Tuesday and my sweet husband assembled it for me on Saturday. 
Sadly, Sam’s Club ran out of them about the day after I ordered them because I’d love you to be able to get the same deal. I looked to see if they were available elsewhere and… Well… They are… But holy moly they are ridiculously expensive!! Now let me just say I am glad I got mine so inexpensively because I have to report a bit of bad news. This thing is annoyingly difficult to put together. Seriously. Like almost impossible. 

My husband has been a technician for over 20 years and it still took him hours and a lot of aggravation to get it put together. He’s a really patient guy who knows his way around such things and it is only a testament of how much he loves me that he didn’t pitch the whole thing out the window. It is literally a jigsaw puzzle to put together and comes in a ton of different pieces!! I would’ve taken photos for you of all the parts and screws and such but I, luckily, left the house for a few hours long errand and wasn’t home to take the photos. Luckily you say? Well… My husband joked that it was good I wasn’t there because there might’ve been massive frustration and a bit of cursing involved. Why? Well, he doesn’t mind a jigsaw puzzle and even a lot of pieces but when it comes to them actually not having the drill holes in the correct places so he had to drill some of his own, he starts to get annoyed. As he said, “If I weren’t a technician for 20 years and was just some layperson who was trying to put this sucker together for my daughter on Christmas Eve, she might just wake up to no gift and a very upset father!!” It even says not to use power tools on it because it would be really easy to ruin the entire house if you aren’t really careful. Let’s just say I told my husband I’d owe him not one but three really big favors for actually finishing it and not pitching it out the window. So… Fair warning, if you decide to buy this, be prepared to spend hours of your time asssembling it. We still didn’t put together the little stove that came with. My husband was so aggrivated by time he got house together that when he went to tackle that I was just like “Let’s leave it… You can put it together some other time!!” But, all that being said, now that it’s all assembled?


I’ve always wanted an operational door for the Doll House for the endless photo ops it would provide. I saw one on American Girl Ideas and loved it but also know I am not quite that crafty and so knew I’d likely never go to the time and expense of making one like hers. But for less than $25 shipped?! I am so totally stoked… Here you can see Heather Doll peeking out of the door and if you look closely you can see the actual Doll House behind her! SO FUN!
See? What I did was to set the Jupiter Doll House right in front of my regular Doll House. My regulard Doll House is actually all set up as a huge Cala’s Diner right now for an upcoming YouTube video I am wanting to make….

See the ‘entryway’? I think it looks so “real”!! 

See? This is how I set the Jupiter Doll House in front.

It’s so much fun to look through the little door and window and see the Doll House!!

I am sure I’ll think of other great ways to use it for photos as well, like when nice weather rolls around again I can take it outside and have so much fun taking photos of the dolls outside ‘their’ house. Fun!!
Better run!
Happy Monday!

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