A New Little Brother For The Doll House! A 14inch Wellie Wisher Sized Customized Boy!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
So… I recently found a Style Girl on clearance at Tuesday Morning… And… Well…
I couldn’t help myself. I snatched her right up and brought her home because I had played with the idea of making a Wellie Wisher (or Glitter Girl sized) boy doll for the Doll House. LollylueStephens Doll Wigs has an adorable line of wigs for this size doll… In fact I’ve already customized dolls with them before. Both these custom dolls were made with thier Wellie Wisher sized wigs and so was the as of yet un-named Rainbow wig Style Girl

I was pretty glad to get this doll too because I like her ‘meet outfit’ loads better than I liked the one that came on the other blonde Style Girl from Big Lot’s. 

I still haven’t ever seen Melanie from this line… I imagine if I ever run across her I’ll pick her up just because it’ll be like finding a unicorn or something! Hahaha.

So here he is, my newest custom… Meet Giuseppe! That is Italian for Joseph and so the nickname my husbands Mom had for his brother… Who happens to have blue eyes and dark brown hair. Perfect!

He also looks a little bit like Tom Cruise, eh? Those eyes!

So since I named him Giuseppe I think I’ll name her something similar since they are fraternal twins. So her name will be Gabriella because I’ve always loved that name and since it means “God is my strength” too. 

Gabriella and Giuseppe! 

Here is Giuseppe and Emerson so you can see what a great brother he will make to the Wellie Wisher dolls.

Since Cat Doll had on Nanea’s meet outfit, she was perfectly dressed to take the three of them to the beach for photos! Aren’t they cute? 
Better run!

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