Frann and Maru Take A Winter Walk!

Hi Doll Friends!!

Happy Wednesday! Don’t the weeks just fly by? One week from Valentine’s Day!?! Wasn’t it just Christmas five minutes ago? Right? Being that it’s February, it’s still the season for snow and yesterday we got a bit of snow in my neck of the woods. So, naturally, being me, despite it being 8 degrees outside (what’s a bit of cold? I went to High School in South Dakota, if you didn’t go out when it was cold you lived inside 9 months a year!) I went out to take some doll photos in the pretty snow. I decided I’d take Frann and Maru

I just love doll photography! It’s so much fun!

Better run!
Have a great day!

One thought on “Frann and Maru Take A Winter Walk!

  1. I just love these darling photos, Heather! In Vancouver it rains for around 10 months most years. At least it sure seems that way. LOL We missed the snow this winter; it only snowed a few days and melted so I'm very happy. But it's been soggy since October.


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