New Custom Battat Little Friends 15Inch Boy Doll!

Happy Friday Doll Friends!!
Where do the weeks go? Seriously. So recently I’ve been on a bit of a ‘smaller doll’ binge with the Style Girls, Wellie Wishers, Bumbleberry Girls and other 14 inch dolls capturing my attention. I am not sure how many of you are aware, but the recent Glitter Girls by Battat are not their first attempt at younger sibling type dolls. In the early 2000’s Battat released a 15inch doll line called Little Friends of which I own two. They are more like the Bumbleberry Girls than any of the other current 14 inch dolls in that they have a soft torso. Recently, I aquired a 14inch doll sized boy wig for free (a shipping error happened with the brown haired one I purchased and so they sent me a freebie for my trouble! Awesome, right?). So…. Who to convert to a boy doll?
Battat Little Friends and Battat 15inch are two of my saved searches on eBay. You know, for research. Teehee. Anyway, about the day I got the boy wig what shows up in my searches but this little dolly right here. 
Before I even thought I snatched her up with a mind of making a Battat Little Friends Brother doll out of her. She was already wearing boy clothes! (Minus the bag) 

Here she is the day she arrived. Her hair was a mess which always makes me feel less bad about chopping it all off and throwing it in the bin! 

And Tada! Another boy doll was born! The blonde to his right is one of my other Little Friends named Stephanie. She’s now his twin sister and so I am playing with the idea of naming him Stephen adn calling him Steve…? What do you think?

I posed them with one of the current Battat Glitter Girls named Keltie (I still haven’t renamed her from her factory given name and it’s starting to grow on me…). They are kind of distant cousins afterall, all being Battat dolls. Aren’t they cute in the Doll House I got from Sam’s Club recently?

They decided to take a little walk….

Off they go…!

And back already!

Time for a snack!

Steve fits right in! I don’t think you can tell from the photos but he has some cool lavendar streaks in his hair so he’s a bit of punk rock star looking kid. Very cool. 

So, it’ll be fun to have another smaller boy doll in the doll house to go with Giuseppe!
Better run!
Have a wonderful weekend!

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