American Girl Doll Collection… So Far…

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!

Another post in my continuing ‘My Collection So Far‘ posts… Here we have my American Girl Dolls. I don’t have as many as a lot of doll collectors do but the ones I do own I adore! I’m sure this collection will grow eventually. There are still a couple of AG’s on my wish list (Z Yang is right at the top!!) and of course any and all of them that I happen to be lucky enough to find second hand will come right home too. Right?

Panda was the very first AG to ever come live at the Doll House. Actually she pre-dates the Doll House because she was my daughters very first AG that she got when she was four years old. She named her Panda at the time. I’ve never changed it because it will always remind me of that magical time in our lives. My daughter has ‘given’ me her AG dolls but I consider it a loan because I know there might come a day when she wants them back and I’ll send them right to her. Even if it’s for her own daughter somday. They’ll be waiting…

She looks a lot like my daughter by design because of course the first AG a lot of little girls choose is one that looks like them. 

Saige was the second AG to come home. She was my daughters Christmas gift from her Grands the year after Panda arrived. I love her story (She loves horses!) and her styles and so am glad to have her in the Doll House. 

Lillly was my own very first AG doll. She looks almost exactly like Panda because she’s essentially the exact same doll other than hairstyle. I got her before I knew my daughter was going to gift me Panda. I had to choose a doll that looked like my precious daughter afterall. It’s kind of fun to have ‘twins’ though. Right? 

Ashbee came home very very dirty as a ‘find’ on eBay. It was like someone had played with him in a sandbox! Yikes! He’s all cleaned up and re-wigged and named after a good friend of the family. 

Prism was my very first Goodwill AG find. She started out as a Felicity but I love her made over like this. Isn’t she gorgeous!?

Nanea was my second AG doll… I was torn between her and Z Yang at the time and so did a bit of an ‘eeny-meeny-minney-moe’ and Nanea won out. I love love love her. As I mentioned in my post about her, my first apartment with my husband was in Hawaii and we lived there 3 1/2 years. So I’ll always be a little homesick for Hawaii and so Nanea feels personal to me. She’s lovely.

This is the first time I’ve ‘announced’ or mentioned what I’d named McKenna Julie!! I decided to keep her ‘given’ name but to add Julie as a middle name. American Girl Julie’s era and fashions have always been a favorite and I love her face sculpt… But I wasn’t ever really drawn to her eye and hair color. So, Mckenna Julie is a compromise I am really happy with. I love her! Her ‘story’ will be that she’s a 70’s era girl just like Julie Albright. 

Better run!

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