Frann and Pamela Doll Go to LifeGroup At Flatland Church!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Flatland Church is one of my favorite places on Earth. We’ve been attending there for about 8 years and I joke that they are going to have to carry me out of there feet first before I’ll leave. Teehee. Yes, I have a morbid sense of humor. So yesterday, knowing I was going to LifeGroup in the evening, I decided to invite a couple of my favorite dolls to LifeGroup. 

Here are Frann and Pamela Doll at church before LifeGroup started… I decided to give them a bit of a tour since Pamela hadn’t been there before.  

In the lobby by the cool benches….

At the awesome Awana Store! Kids learn scripture and earn ‘tokens’ when they do and they can spend their tokens in the store. My kids were in Awana for many years and it will always be a magic time in our lives… Kids grow up so fast!

Our Kids Hallway is so neat. I always want to play that ConnectFour Game whenever I see it! 

By the kids’ stage…

Out in the lobby again…

By one of the Jesus paintings in the vestibule of the santuary…

In the lovely sanctuary. I love the set design for this series, all the ladders look neat. 

By the other Jesus painting in the opposite vestibule of the sanctuary…

They even took a peek in the oh-so-cool ‘green room’ where the worship team spends time sometimes before they go on stage… 

When my LifeGroup found out I had brought in some Dolls they insisted they should actually stay and be part of the conversation!! I love my church and my LifeGroup!! They just ‘get’ me. Haha. 

They had such a good time! If you’d like to see a video of their visit, you can find one right here
Better run!


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